[@Patches] [color=6ecff6]"Heh, dunno if I'd trust myself to pilot one of these. But yeah, the dig site."[/color] Lucy pulls out a map. [color=6ecff6]"Dig site's here, we've marked any other sites nearby where Isz stuff's been found before with that symbol. Discovered four days ago when a couple of our guys were combin' the area, lookin' for somethin' else. Here's some more pics of the place..."[/color] she continued on. More pictures of the place, some notes that had been written about it, other Isz artifacts found different places that had matching themes... It seemed the White Tooth Men were pretty serious about this. Looks like they were expecting some serious returns on this discovery. The ride was pleasant, not much happening on the way there. The drive itself took almost an hour, and when they finally arrived, landscape was a bit different from where they had left from. The area around the tomb was more foresty than the landscapes common to New Wickborough, with large trees all around, and vines hanging down from the canopy. It wasn't particularly dense, with sky still visible between the treetops, but it was enough for Lucy to really get in the mood. [color=6ecff6]"Well, here we are! Oh man, this is excitin', we get to explore some real ruins! C'mon Winnie!"[/color] she slung over her shoulder as she hopped out of the car.