I have updated my charys as well, wewt! [b]Changelog[/b] [indent][b]JONAS[/b] [indent]■ Changed Ki Decoy and Doctor's Orders by giving his clones temperature (see the first post for more details on how ki and ki sensing works). ■ Changed Live Dissection by combining all the properties from Scorpion's Calling with it. ■ Changed Cheap Shot to circle between three different shots - inhibiting ki sensing abilities, impeding motor skills, and a shot that does damage over times. This makes Cheap Shot technically a subcategory; the new moves as listed in order are: Amon, Parkinson's, and Overdose. ■ Added the fact that Jonas can buff his moves with ki in Fighting Style section. ■ Added Dexter Acrobaticus as a speedy way for him to outmaneuver opponents and live up to the statement that he can actually buff himself to "make him faster than he usually is and perform acrobatic stunts and dodge opponents." ■ Removed Scorpion's Calling; its move is now combined with Live Dissection. ■ Removed Visceral Cut by proxy of it being no different from a regular attack. ■ Removed Injection by proxy of it being no different from a regular attack. [/indent][/indent] [indent][b]THE ONE[/b] [indent]■ Changed Top Hat Fucking Rocket Boost to be a controllable rocket that he can control for up to ten seconds before it explodes on its own. It as also been changed to where he can detonate the missiles on their own. [/indent][/indent]