I vanished for a few days, and I'm so sorry for having ghosted! That being said, I'm definitely up for character backstories or families ties to anyone. The Sterlings probably have some kind of connection with most of the bigger families, and probably a good share of the small ones. Larke's father has a seat on the council, and they've basically got a monopoly in magical trade. I worked out with Echo that they contract with the Memolis for moving "discrete" goods, and Larke and Dawn's fathers have a good business relationship. They also work well with most of the Council families, and have a reputation for sticking to their word and doing good work. Except for the Norrevinter fiasco, but savages will be savages, you know? The Byrne family is all but died out, but they were fowlers in Ireland. They used aeromancy for flight and hunting, as an older group, but weren't know for much else. The Guerra family is in the US and Cuba, and I'm down for any connections there, as well!