Larke had no time to respond to Kora's quip before the imposing figure of Montana cut in, and a lump formed in his throat. The small orb of water that had hovered in his hand a moment earlier splashed to the ground. The tingling dull sensation of a negation field washed over him, and he took a healthy step further back from Kora and the Professor. He had heard things about Roderic Montana. Namely, he had heard things about his trial. He had heard so much, in fact, that he [i]almost[/i] felt badly for Kora's misjudged produce projectile. Given that there was still a healthy helping of yogurt dripping from his hair and a centuries old good deposit still owed to his family, however, "almost" did not cut it. Larke returned her glare with a smug grin as her un-fortuitously flung fruit collided with the professor's shield. His expression dropped as soon as the man's eyes were back on him. [color=#336699][b]"Yes, Professors,"[/b][/color] he replied, contrite sincerity coloring his voice. [color=#336699][b]"I'll be sure to avoid any future altercations."[/b][/color] He stepped back to take a seat, relieved as soon as the numbness of Montana's field faded away. He gathered the spilled water back up into an orb with a sweep of his hand, and ran it through his hair to strip out the gunk. The result, though damp, was clean and reasonably put together. Shower fresh, he hoped. He dismissed the dirtied water into a trash bin before ambling back to take his seat as instructed, never giving Norrevinter the satisfaction of a second glance. A familiar face in a sticky situation caught his eye as he searched for a seat. [color=#336699][b]"Canvas!"[/b][/color] he called as the other student shuffled into place. He swung into a seat directly beside his younger cousin, unperturbed that both Dinah Fox and Jason "I-Know-More-Than-You" Avalon had already arrived on the scene. He threw an arm fondly around Canvas for a quick hug, and jerked a thumb at him as he addressed the bulky woman. [color=#336699][b]"You're gonna have to excuse my little cousin, here,"[/b][/color] he said, and then lowered his voice to speak even after the presentation had begun. [color=#336699][b]"He's mildly afflicted with being a dumbass, but it's all from my side of the family. He's not a bad guy. But uh-"[/b][/color] She seemed more interested in food than anyone, and Larke threw Canvas an elbow and a subtle shake of his head. Let sleeping- or eating, in this case- bears lie. After the presentation ended, he looked to Jason and offered a handshake. [color=#336699][b]"Always good to see you, Avalon! It's been a few, what? Weeks?"[/b][/color] He chuckled, appraising the pathetic hard-ass with the kind of disingenuous joviality that a child may extend to a pair of socks found under the Christmas tree. It seemed that nobody had yet to be so kind as to remove the stick from up Jason Avalon's pretentious ass. [color=#336699][b]"And...."[/b][/color] Larke stood as the other students started to split away, and extended an unabashed hand to Dinah Fox. He had never seen the girl in his life, but she had the sort of picture his parents looked at on social media and said things like "what a shame," and "poor thing" toward without moving to actually help. He knew well who she was, but "I know you're bad news and basically burned ground around here," did not make for a good conversation opener. [color=#336699][b]"I can't say we've ever met. Larke Sterling."[/b][/color]