[hider=Lance Peterson] [center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6110/956d26fa9b0685a1144e8c28d3c0f6a661b4bd3e_hq.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"I didn't lose. I just found a million ways that won't work."[/i][/sub][/center] [b][color=orchid]Name[/color][/b] Lance Aaron Peterson [b][color=orchid]Age[/color][/b] 18 [center][img]http://s1.img.yan.vn/YanNews/2167221/201701/20170104-115246-37_500x228.gif[/img] [sub][i]"You mean, you don't love my dance moves? Sad."[/i][/sub][/center] [b][color=orchid]Indepth Appearance[/color][/b] Lance is tall, standing at a towering 6'2 and refuses to tell people how much he weighs. "It's all muscle anyway..." he'd say. He has short dark brown hair and dark, almost black, brown eyes. His eyes are spread very far apart and are very narrow. He has a very wide and large smile when he decides to let others see it. His shoulders are wide, like his father and brother like him. He is very well fitted from a lot of exercise and working out and he takes much pride in his body. He has no scars on his body, something else he also takes pride in. Despite all of the fights he's gotten into, he still hasn't received any scarring. His skin is very soft and porcelain white. [center][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/9294ac294870c10f88f17f45e70d3e9b/tumblr_mw14hybz5U1rljqkro1_500.gif[/img] [sub][i]"I'm so afraid of losing something that I love, that I refuse to love anything."[/i] - [b]Jonathan Safrantoer[/b][/sub][/center] [b][color=orchid]Personality[/color][/b] [center][sub][center]• Cocky • Playful • Insecure • [/center][/sub][/center] Lance is cocky, mean, and playful. He loves messing with people and making them squirm. He doesn't often pick fights with his 'friend group' but isn't opposed to knocking some teeth in when prompted. There are a few people he will not mess with, however. He refuses to mess with Amelia and Marcus. Amelia because he honestly can't bring himself to mess with such a pure person. Most often he just ignores her, but would protect her without a second thought. Marcus is different. Lance wouldn't exactly call himself a closet gay, but he doesn't exactly broadcast it like Marcus does. In fact, Lance is actually bisexual, very easily swinging it both ways. He still can't bring himself to keep a relationship for more than a few months, however. He always managing to fuck something up and push the other person away. His insecurities are very, very deeply seated and he is so afraid of losing something he loves to the point of not wanting to love anything. Which is why he tends to either mess with others or steer clear of them. The only person he is completely comfortable around is Eva, who often sees the more vulnerable side of him even if she strongly dislikes whenever he does. Lance is a sweet guy on the inside, but in his attempts to keep people at a distance, he often comes off as the asshole. The thing he fears most in the world is that if he actually starts to become attached to someone they would stab him in the back or worse, something terrible would happen to them. Despite this, Lance has taken a vow for himself to always tell the truth, even if it's the blunt truth (hence why he gets along with Eva so well). It does often bite him in the ass, however. When he doesn't want to tell the truth, he often just shuts up and refuses to speak. Lance does have a bit of a mean streak, however. And when he goes into a fight, he goes for blood. He's pretty easy to anger, even if he is playful, and often lashes out in ways that he doesn't mean to. He is, however, quick to admit when he's in the wrong, even if he hates doing so. [center][img]https://www.dramafever.com/st/news/images/kwb_waving.gif[/img] [sub][i]"Keep the ones that heard you when you never said a word."[/i]-[b]Unknown[/b][/sub][/center] [b][color=Orchid]Backstory[/color][/b] Lance grew up in South Korea, which is why his accent still shines through a bit when he talks with his friends. Being the son of a massive business tycoon meant that Lance had to deal with a lot of pressure being placed on him, from his mother and brothers. His father was always very laid back and smiled whenever he saw him. The only siblings he ever found that he got along with were the outcasts. Henry, the bastard son, and eventually Eva, the daughter switched at birth. He never got along with Ana and loathed ever moment with his other brothers, Adam and Colin. They always fought with him every chance they got, taking every opportunity to prove how much better they were than him at literally everything. Whenever he brought it up to his father, he would simply shrug his shoulders like it wasn't his problem to deal with and smile like it would all be okay. His brothers would often leave bruises on Lance's body and the one day that his mother, Maria, noticed them, she told him to bulk up. He needed to learn to defend himself if he was ever going to live in this business. When he was in middle school, Lance had the opportunity to handle some of the businesses affairs and blundered it up so badly that his mother decided he would do better if he were on his own. So, Lance was sent to America, to the US branch of their company where he lived with his uncle. Not only had he been abandoned, but he felt so utterly betrayed, especially by his uncle who often stole money from Lance, money Lance had earned on his own. By high school, Lance had had enough and wasn't much one for making friends. He did get close to one person, however. And his name was Ryan. Ryan was Lance's best friend and they did nearly everything together. Things weren't meant to be so peachy keen, however. As their relationship developed from one of friendship to that of something a bit more, Ryan was kidnapped by men from Korea aiming at getting back at Lance's dad by getting his vulnerable son. They'd made a mistake however, and mistook Ryan (who also looked asian) in place of Lance. Ryan nearly lost his life and Lance's father never came to get him despite the ransom calls. Lance fought hard to free Ryan from them, and eventually someone came and called the police but that was after Ryan had been thrown from a car and beaten into a coma. A year later, Ryan passed away in his coma, starting a long, long depression for Lance. Since then, Lance has refused to get close to anyone, for fear of something happening to them because of his family or by betrayal. He's chalk it up to his inability to trust literally anyone at all. Every relationship he's had since that point, he's always pushed the other person away by one means or another. He mostly just can't seem to let himself love anyone. He'd always been talked at by Elizabeth but never really listened to her. But by senior year, he gave up and spent a few days hanging out with their group. He still doesn't get very close to any of them, but he does like to keep his eyes on Eva, trying to protect her from any attacks. [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/cdf162f21328004ecc83ef8678abc2ef/tumblr_nranadpfO71uu3c7so1_500.gif[/img] [sub][i]"It hurt because it mattered."[/i]-[b]John Green[/b][/sub][/center] [b][color=Orchid]Future Plans[/color][/b] - Play baseball professionally [b][color=orchid]Likes/Dislikes[/color][/b] [color=green] [list][*] Action Movies [*] Spicy Foods [*] Animals [*] Sleeping [*] Rain [*] Attractive People[/list] [/color] [color=red] [list][*] Family [*] Betrayal [*] Overly Sweet Foods [*] Bright Lights [*] Being Unloved [/list] [/color] [b][color=Orchid]Other[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=972_H8HM9BM]Truthfully - DNCE[/url] [sub][i]Speaking truthfully, I love you more than you love me.[/i][/sub] Colorcode: Orchid FC: Kim Woo Bin [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/7vaW19yPiLfeo/giphy.gif[/img] [sub][i]"Just because my path is different doesn't mean I'm lost."[/i][/sub][/center] [/hider]