[i]"Clem"[/i] Yuril grunted with a hint of aggitation as he felt his last self-defense missile leaving him under Xi's launch-authority. Thankfully, the kid managed to use it wisely enough to get a solid follow-up hit, and followed it up with a solid from one of the MiG-31's own, more advanced missiles. He then took a quick survey of the landscape, knowing the F-16 had been sent to perform a run on some unidentified ground-targets to the southeast... but saw nothing indicating a successful run. "Four. Two is blind, get wizard on standby. Rogue; Low angle strafe on creek, coming in from the Northwest." Captain Greggor keyed to inform the rest of the flight and the ground-team [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSClJltT-TQ]as he finished his wingover-turn[/url] and began a run before re-engaging full-afterburner. Ground-fire was hard enough to necessitate a series of jinks and lag-rolls as he strained to line-up for a solid run down the dried-up waterway choked into a soft-target rich environment. Now all he had to do was hit it... He held down a full-unload of his remaining 62,000 40mm long flechettes, punctuated by a few bursts of 23mm cannon-fire against anything that looked substantial enough to resist the anti-personel rockets that served a secondary duty of defoliating the edges of the creek for any follow-up attacks. However, the MiG-23, despite it multi-role prowess, was not a dedicated mud-hen, and enough directed energy hits managed to slag chunks off Clem's wings, and his plane began to trail vape, likely a combination of hydraulic-fluid and fuel. "Four, bugging out." Was all he managed to say as the Bulgarian went into a violent lag-roll, pitched and lurched violently as the wings were desprately unfurled for more lift, the pilot struggling to maintain control with an unresponsive stick and full power to the engines as it fell back on itself in a dive only to lurch back into something resembling a badly trimmed level flight to compensate for a large portion of its starboard-wing being gone when the rudder had suddenly gone missing. "See you at the Dungeo--"