[hider=Cassadria] . Cassadria Name of nation: Cassadria Confederacy Species: Cassids, Cassadrians, Cass, Cassa A tall reptilian species of humanoid creatures that label themselves Cassadrians, they come in a range of bright colorations and differing varieties. Their bodies are slender but tough, with long fingers and sharp claws and jaws full of needle-like teeth, and hard hides of scales. All Cassadrian types can breed together, with the different types creating young with unique features such as horns, feathers, and bright scale hues. They are vulnerable to frigid climates being cold blooded, but technology and specialized clothing has allowed them to surmount this obstacle. They enjoy the warmth of the stars and when in warm climates they will often forgo clothing entirely in preference to their natural scales. They are a vain and showy race they possess little in the way of humility and it shows with their appearances. Males referred to as Cass, tend to be slightly smaller than the females, but faster and stronger, with the average intellect being either incredibly high or mind numbingly low, with only a few ranging in the middle areas. Females referred to as Cassa are quite the opposite, and maintain very median averages in terms of intelligence, strength, and speed, however they do tend to be larger and more colorful than their male counterparts. Females have around three to four young per litter at a rate of one litter per year meaning the population can expand rapidly. Still, life spans for all Cassadrians are typically short with most cassids dying around age forty, their high metabolism leading to an early mortality. Description of government: Cassadrians live in a familial and clan based society and as a result stress that only locals govern the different family groups, or clans. The confederacy was created to try and unify these clans under international law and security and succeeded to a limited degree. Their policies focusing mostly on keeping the cassids from butchering each other into extinction. The government’s power is restricted however, and can only create laws if a combined senate consisting of two representatives from every clan, unanimously vote for. This means the confederacy has made very few laws and has created virtually no regulations for the huge markets and powerful clans that truly run Cassadria. The confederacy elects a new Prime Minister every seven years, never allowing any one cassid to rule for any longer. The Prime Minister’s great power is a façade, his only task being to run the often wild senate meetings and maintain order between the clans. Senators tend to serve life time terms, unless they are found incompetent and are replaced by their backing clan. These replacements can be violent, especially for the more prideful clans who consider failure to be dishonorable. The seats in the senate are meant to be open to any cassid, though only the wealthy and talented manage to make it at all, creating a system of corruption, despised by the average Cassadrian. The confederacy can, if it considers the threat viable, utilize its military might to fight wars or aid in disaster relief. This is usually accomplished by assigning senate chosen military leaders large battalions of voluntarily given clan warriors and mercenaries as the confederacy has no standing army of its own, except for the elite Tunnel Guards who act as security for the senate members but are few in number. Overall the confederacy is weak and disjointed having very little real power over the clans, who like it just fine that way. Description of military: The Cassadrian military is highly advanced but disjointed, not unified under a single power. Clan rivalries occur all too often and bloodshed happens without a common enemy to combat presenting the planet as a whole vulnerable to sudden invasion due to backstabbing and general chaos. The other side of the coin is the mercenary armies funded by large corporations, usually bought out by the confederacy or smaller clans who have no armed forces of their own. That being said the Cassadrian Clan warriors who make up the bulk of the military forces present on Cassadria are skilled and well-armed and consider themselves honorable. Their mercenary counterparts are equally equipped and trained but instead of being run by clan leaders, they are provided by capitalistic cassids seeking to exploit clan tensions. When called upon the largest of the clans can field massive, powerful armies of clan warriors, spacecraft, and ground assault vehicles, and specialized missile systems. The confederacy itself (depending on how generous the backing clans are feeling) can unify several of these armies towards a single purpose. These forces have been called upon several time to put down rebellion or terrorism, but this is only possible when the clans feel there is a common enemy. Technological Overview: Cassadrians are quite proud of themselves and their achievements when it comes to technology. Demand has risen the speed of fresh tech at an ever increasing rate. Military technology, driven by frequent conflicts, kept the stockpiles of new and deadlier weapons in good supply. Meanwhile a consumer market has kept the need for helpful technologies to continuously be created to improve the lives of the average Cassadrian The main source of power for the Cassadrians is solar and nuclear, and while other forms are available they have gained little popularity amongst the clans. Cassadrians are masters at collecting and storing solar energy and heat from deep in space or buried underground. The power is kept in large heating pads that act like batteries and are common in Cassadrian homes and public spaces to provide warmth. Individual soldiers are usually outfitted by their clan our company, resulting in imbalances in equipment. The body armor and personal shielding varies from cassid to cassid with some of the wealthier clans arming their troops with cybernetic enhancements and tactical shielding. The most commonly used weaponry is plasmatic in nature, while the most dangerous of their capabilities is controlled explosives and long range laser blasters. Cassadrians are quite proficient with missile tech as well, having weapon systems that can knock opposing missiles out of the air. Medicine is a largely unexplored field of science on Cassadria, as cassids can regenerate entire limbs naturally, and they are immune to most diseases and viruses. Greater focus was placed in nano-tech and chemical manipulation. Space is a new frontier for the Cassadrians, and large scale warships is a thing of the future. Instead they created vast quantities of fast, space to atmospheric frigates and one cassid fighters. Some companies have released a new large transport for purchase and the clans have leapt on the chance to own a fleet and many are in the process of being created. When it comes to spacecraft propulsion is the cassids most limiting issue as their fastest speeds don’t reach that of light. Subterranean technology such as air sweeping and tunnel drilling and heat resistant alloys was a must for the hot planet of Cassadria. The productive cassids drilled all the way to the center of their planet, and some of the stronger ones can handle the extreme temperatures for a short while without protective gear. This same tech is used for their spacecraft and as a result the cassids can fly almost directly up to their homeworld’s star and remain safely there for extend periods of time. Cultural Overview: The average Cassadrian is proud to a fault, far more willing to grow as an individual then unify for the common purpose of society. Vanity is the name of the game in Cassadria and the people present themselves and their endowments with unfettered pride, meaning honor and honorable life styles has developed differently for the cassids. Fighting without mercy and putting each other down without care they struggle to be the best of the best in all things. Their culture demands that they be in charge of their own lives leading to little desire for dictators or religions. Their lust for being the best, but not acquiring power is unique to their kind, but can be damaging to their fragile societal system. Cassadrians will willingly push themselves beyond their limits to obtain besthood, ruining their own lives to obtain some unreachable standard. This standard for greatness isn’t universal, but it is quite common. The less petty part of their culture however is their extreme loyalty to family groups. The clans are vast and numerous and intermingled, but they exact tremendous amounts of devotion from their constituents. Typically the mother clan is the chosen clan to be loyal to, should two family clans engage in hostility, but Cassadrians do break that mold on occasion. These occurrences are quickly forgiven however as cassids rarely hold a grudge for long, unless the slight was serious enough. It isn’t uncommon for clans to be viciously battling one day, and doing business the next. The Cassadrian anger at the smallest of offenses burns hot, but extinguishes quickly. Cassadrians live their lives in a constant struggle to outdo their neighbors in whatever they are passionate about, being the best pilot, chef, or scientist, owning the best stuff or running the farthest distance. But while they aren’t competing they live mostly underground in vast subterranean cities, coming onto the planet surface to soak up the sun’s rays, or build their many factories. Most lead lives of entertainment and pleasure on heated pads, while the adults work whatever career they might like to pursue, though some clans stress different jobs than others. They feast upon farmed insect populations, though many still like to hunt their prey naturally. While they do like their pleasure, cassids are hardworking, and as before mentioned, loyal. Cassadrians will have lifelong mates, sticking with an average of five or six until death. There are no marital contacts or agreements but it is very, very rare for a Cassadrian to take on any other partners then the original chosen ones. This oddity leads to very complex family trees and often confusion on who the father actually was. Which is why the mother clan is typically the chosen clan to be faithful to. History: Cassadrians believe that one day for no reason in particular the first cassids appeared, and began to live. Scurrying from rock to rock hiding from the large predators that patrol the desert and jungle planet. As they cassids continued to populate the land they grew rapidly in number, eventually becoming the masters of Cassadria, forming their clans and starting the foundation for their underground cities. Surprisingly, at the start Cassadrians were not very warlike, but true to their nature they were competitive. Clans rivaled each other to have the most members, the greatest fighters, and the best lifestyles and the most money. cassids developed a system of currency very quickly, adopting a free trade system between the clans. Individual Cassadrians taking on their favorite tasks and making a living out of it. Over the decades the Cassadrians continued to populate and compete, engaging occasionally in a short bloody wars, but never anything overtly serious until the Bloodied Tongue War. For the first time since the technology developed a war that covered the planet occurred. The slaughter of entire clans, the destruction of great cities, and the brutal bloodbaths that transpired above and below ground shook the Cassadrians to their core. The war lasted less than a year but in that short time span nearly fifteen percent of the population was slain or died from starvation or disease. Desperate to make sure such a conflict never arose again the confederacy was created and functioned much to its original purpose. Making sure never more than two clans fight each other at once, disallowing military alliances to form anywhere except under the direct control of the confederacy. In recent times cassids have started developing an interest in their local planets and asteroids knowing they could profit from such things. Expeditions and colonization soon followed and new clans sprouted in the far reaches of space, making the confederacy ever more fractured and spread out. Mining colonies appeared and space stations began orbiting all the nearest planets as the cassids began spreading out towards the stars. Other: Cassids are unaware of any intelligent life other than their own. They reside on their homeworld and the few other worlds the clans have claimed. Their reach doesn’t extend far, and only nineteen celestial bodies and one star is claimed by them, with only three of those planets being inhabited by large populations of cassids and all of them residing in the same solar system. They also breathe a different gas than oxygen. [/hider] I'm still editing for grammar and stuff, but nothing big should change.