[@Deos Morran] sorry for a double OOC post but I also have to mention, hes a cocky and crazy little shit for a reason. There is a reason why he thinks that he's an angel of death. I mean, wouldn't you if you could kill from that far and hold a ton of kills under your belt? He's a bit of a narcissist with a slight superiority complex and a dash of a god complex. He stays in the shadows and watches as people and things die helplessly, without any clue as to where the bullet came from until the sound of a rifle is heard. By then, they're already on the move again. A sniper was once asked by a media reported what they felt when they killed over in Iraq and Afghanistan. sniper replies "a little recoil." edit: Not to mention he started going into the Wild at the ripe age of 18 years old. I wonder how much psychological damage from 18 to 35 in the Wild would cause someone. ;/ hmmmm....actually really curious about that