[hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjAwMDAwMC5UV0Z5WTNWeklDSkhZWEoyWlhraUlFeGxiMjQsLjA,/propaganda-sight.shadow-persona.png[/img][/center] [hr] [@VitoftheVoid][@EchoicChamber] Marcus took the rather small, bandaged hand of the Kingsley into his own imposing, callused, mahogany hand, and shook it once before letting it drop. He let her ramblings wash offer him like a negligible breeze. Opting to rather deem it a considerable lack of social skills cultivated by a rather shut-it kind of lifestyle. Or simply a personality flaw or trait that needed little work. And by mingling with those of her own age, no doubt she would grow to cease the presumed habit of useless ramblings. Instead he smiled and nodded, taking in bits and pieces here and there but never really absorbing the information as a whole. But he couldn't help but notice that Esperanza - through the awkward moments of silence that ensued after his rather funny joke - too must have suffered from the same lack of social skills that Helena did. It wasn't exactly the pause that caught him on. Instead it was: [i]The scratching,[/i] he recognized. A small memory resurfaced. [i]The act of scratching any part of the body in the manner that she did may thus indicate anxiety which is either driven by a lack of trust in the other person or an internal discomfort and sense of vulnerability.[/i] Marcus mused all through the orientation, the mystery of the girl's psychological histories and former environments fascinating him to no end. Marcus was a Leon. And as a Leon, Marcus' job was to study people and things, to investigate. The act of observation and deduction came as natural to him as breathing. Not until Esperanza spoke up did Marcus snap out of his meditative state. He took a moment to consider her words, then glance at the screen to further confirm them. Just as she said, Helena did indeed lack the notable addition of a dorm partner, as supposed to him who was too bunk with an "Allen". Marcus gave Helena an inquisitive look. [color=Gray]"Yeah that unusual. Your not radioactive are you?"[/color] he jibbed.