If I lived in El Salvador and similar places where poverty, gangs violence, rape and brutality are epidemic I'd make a run for it too. I don't condone breaking the law but I have more sympathy than not for people in that position. I was fortunate in that I came by choice from a comparative paradise. [quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] I am not speaking to the renegade or rogue people who are just detestable personalities innately. A major incident such as being accosted or something vastly affecting people, namely women, is what I am referring to. [/quote] By that logic anyone who commits any sort of 'major' misogynistic act is defined out of the problem by being innately detestable. I initially made a list of examples but I changed my mind about it. Plenty of material exists online unless you are in Saudi or something and I felt gross about opening up my own wounds.