[@Oak7ree] Kaneda is visibly foreign, and he's of the sort that most patriotic Americans would discriminate against. Then again, he's very amicable, so might work. And it could be fun if he's suspected. *wide grin* that'd be nice~ I still wanna make Bel be on that team. Or Izkry -- he'd be great, but his accent is not so good. Then again, neither is Antoine's. But I really wanna force Bel. *cackles* or at the /least/ force her to interact without him as a shield by sending him to be social. Ah well. *discards ideas for fancy dresses* However it goes down, this is gonna be FUN. <3 Bel would do well as a waitress, though I shudder to think what would happen if someone with too much to drink gave her a hard time. OH COULD YOU IMAGINE HER HAVING TO PRETEND TO BE ONE OF THE GUYS' DATE?! AHAHA! ...Actually. WE SHOULD DO THAT. Let me do that, PLEASE! *flailing* And if David doesn't have a good feel for her, it'd be a good time to try to get a better idea while the opportunity has presented itself. He might not, she's hard to read, and he's never actually seen her under pressure. Not to mention she changed character when a mission came up. For all that she knows they need to be a team she's not practicing what she preaches...though she's at least somewhat aware of her shortcomings. ADGASHERA can we force her to be David's "date" for this?! *flailing* Please~?!