Modlen quickly found herself in what she could only describe as a warzone. There were looters and fires all around her. Instinctively she spread her wing, preparing to fly away before realising that she had put on a VR headset. Looking around in awe, she could brealy believe what she was seeing, much less [i]feeling[/i]. This wasn't like any VR headset she'd ever tried, this felt [i]real.[/i] She could feel the heat from the flames. It was then that she noticed the plain looking boy with grey hair and eyes, wearing the bloodstained suit wielding a sword. He was talking to her. Modlen suddenly found herself hoping he was part of the simulation too, or at least that she couldn't be hurt while inside of it. She also realised that the disonant tone she had been hearing earlier had returned, and it seemed to be coming from him. She wondered if it was his mutant power. He was wielding a sword after all, perhaps he made it resonate at a frequency that allowed it to cut better? Looking around at the chaos, Modlen answered the stranger. [color=888888][b]"I'm... I'm Modlen. Is this supposed to be part of the class? Are you an NPC?"[/b][/color] It was at that moment she realised that in order to put on the headset, she had needed to remove her goggle, leaving her four pupils exposed. Performing a quick check, Modlen noticed to her horror that, while she still wore the same clothes she had when she put on the headset, her hood had stayed down and her googles were gone, fully exposing her winged, grey-skinned, four-pupiled mutant appearance. Even her tail was free. Modlen froze at the revelation. [@BlackPanther][@KatherinWinter]