[hider=Blue] [center][i]The Taint has a strong grip on Blue's body, with the only thing reminding one of humanity being his body shape. He is of a stocky build, with thick limbs and a torso that could only be describes as barrel shaped. In place of hair are hardened ridges that stagger back with two small horns sweeping behind pointed ears and curling forward in accusing points. His teeth are far more predatory than normal, showing more in common with wolves than man and giving his smile worrying undertones. Even more peculiar are the hooved feet and digitigrade legs that support his bulk, with the final touch of animalism being the thick claws that have grown in place of regular nails. Finally, the icing on the cake, is the fact that Blue stands at a solid 6'0 and built like he was hewn from the very stone itself. This would make for a very intimidating young man if it wasn't for the genuine warmth and friendliness that exudes from his star like eyes. Blue wears whatever he can get his hands on, usually large baggy ponchos made from old potato sacks and discarded cloth frankensteined together.[/i] [color=92278f][b][Theme song][/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSXlkc9UFE4]"Breath of Life" - Florance and the Machine[/url] [color=92278f][b][Name][/b][/color] Blue [color=92278f][b][Age][/b][/color] 15 [b][color=92278f][Gender][/color][/b] Male [b][color=92278f][Personality][/color][/b] Blue is a very transparent person, his eyes baring every emotion he could ever have out into the world. He has fallen into the role of an elder sibling to many of the other children, especially the younger ones, and it is a role he takes very seriously. He teaches the young ones how to punch correctly, to run swiftly, and how to make those skills most effective. Conversely he teaches his adoptive family to use violence as a last resort and to always think with their heads while living by their morals. What can be said, Blue always did like those old knight stories. In the end the safety of the Orphanage and his adoptive family are his main concerns and with the death of Old Man Fritz Blue is willing to do much. Should the safety of his family and their home require blood and broken bones then so be it, Blue will be on the frontlines. [b][color=92278f][Likes][/color][/b] Working with Steel. Helping Mary around the Orphanage. Smithing. Baked goods, especially ones filled with meat. Training. Reading. [b][color=92278f][Dislikes][/color][/b] Liers. Needless cruelty. Eating his greens. The surrounding gangs, especially Mr. Shiro and Stalwart. The lock on his chest. Mindgames. [b][color=92278f][History][/color] [/b] Blue's life began in the labs of Castalian scientists. Wanting to create a new breed of guardians for themselves and their secrets, the group of scientists began a lifetime of abominable tests of eugenics and magical bombardment of young children. Not many survived and the ones that did were better off dead, their forms twisted and bestial even by Tainted standards. Then Blue was born, seemingly everything that the group wanted, that was when the real hell began. The ambush was swift and brutal, a rival group scientists and their mercenaries began carrying out a quick extermination of the lab. Mayhem rang heavy in the air as people were cut down and a lifetime's worth of research destroyed. Blue's life was saved by two less extreme scientists from the rival faction and, seeing their chance to finally be free from this madness, trapped both in the burning laboratory and left them to their fates. However they were a paranoid pair and began to devise a plan for their escape and legacy, should the worse come to pass. Using the aid of both a spirit of Light and Fire they imprinted all the knowledge the rival faction had on the crafting of arms, armor, and runes before packing up their tools and making their escape from Castalia. Soon enough the pair heard a rumor of a powerful man in charge of an Orphanage in Yire-Alba and made their way there. They left the newborn Blue upon the Orphanages steps along with their tools in a locked chest before escaping into the night, never to be heard from again. And so Blue grew up as one of the Orphans, blissfully ignorant of the atrocities that bore him into the world. Instead he grew up under the watchful wing of Old Man Fritz, a good man who taught him how to use his natural born strength and ability for the betterment of his adoptive family. [b][color=92278f][Relations][/color][/b] TBD [b][color=92278f][Level][/color][/b] 1 [b][color=92278f][Skills][/color][/b] [u][i]Swift of fee-er...hoof:[/i][/u] Before he settled as Steel's apprentice Blue's job was to run around Asylum Island as a messenger of sorts, transporting notes, letters, and little packages. As a consequence he knows Asylum Island like the back of his hand and can run both long and fast, much faster than anyone would guess on a first impression. [i][u]School of Hard Knocks:[/u][/i] While he has no formal combat training Blue has picked up how to fight from growing up in Dirt Town but more importantly he knows how to suck it up and keep on going, no matter the pain or the struggle. One day you'll pull through it and show Oblivion you aren't it's punching bag. [i][u]Natural Smith:[/u][/i] Because of his dreams Blue has picked up the forge rather easily, all it took was Steel showing him the nuances of her tools for him to basically become a master overnight. With her orders getting done twice as fast Steel has been able to gather a nice profit and gained the respect of Blue, who considers Steel and extension of the family. [i][u]Odd Job:[/u][/i] With how Blue's Gift worked out he was able to lend more of a hand around the Orphanage instead of toiling away learning how to smith. He can do anything Mary can do but at an albeit lower quality, turns out it's harder to learn something when every secret to the trade isn't being whispered to you in your sleep. [b][color=92278f][Affinity][/color][/b] Light [b][color=92278f][Gift][/color][/b] [u][i]I Dream of Light and Fire:[/i][/u] Ever since he was a young boy Blue has been having dreams of hammers, anvils, and light. These dreams have imprinted upon Blue the knowledge on how to forge arms, armor, and jewelry of unrivaled function and beauty. However these gifts pale in comparison to the gift of Runes, powerful magic symbols that can be forged into metal and flesh for great power. Unfortunately to craft a rune takes special tools and components that are difficult for wealthy laboratories to acquire, let alone an orphan from Dirt Town. [b][color=92278f][Inventory][/color][/b] A file, for keeping those claws nice and sharp. A deep blue scarf, a gift from Mary and the younger ones. Blacksmith Tools, everything a young blacksmith needs all kept nice and tidy in a handy utility apron. Mysterious Chest, a chest that was left with him on the Orphanage steps when he was a baby. The lock on it is magical and very powerful, with the only thing known about it is that it will open only for Blue and only at the right time. [b][color=92278f][Other][/color][/b] The chest is full of the tools and components that Blue will need to craft runes, which I'm going to be playing as spells your able to graft on stuff for pretty much forever. Since this will lead to some pretty powerful gear I'm going to leave it completely up to the GM on when "The Time Is Right" for this puppy to open up later on in the story. [/center] [/hider]