[@Necroes][@Wraithblade6] I honestly thought they were just drones. Completely skipped my mind that he had actual Space Marines with him to help out... and, uh, that scuppers the whole post, doesn't it? So unless [@agentmanatee] is alright with what I've provided, I do in fact need to make an edit. Your call, though, manatee. Worth noting about Space Marines is that, aside from the logistics behind preventing galaxy-wide heretical events, being limited to just 1000 members at a time is a really massive limitation even for a pack of superhumans when the armies of your foes regularly number in the tens or even hundreds of thousands, if not more. Tyranids aren't dangerous because they pack a bunch of massively tough heavy hitters (excepting the non-canon Hive Fleet Nidhoggr); they're dangerous because they can send literally millions of creatures with no survival instinct of their own to swarm everything, each with varying and specialised purposes. (In theory anyway. Try telling that to crunch.) Orks are similar, but at least understand that if they die, it means no more fighting, which is no fun after all, and they're also more prone to using a larger number of bulky beasts and oversized mechanised constructs.