[h3]Shannon[/h3] “Food smell good.” Shannon explained. The pair of Agents simply looked at each other. [i]So, these were the ‘visitors’ they’d been briefed on. [/i] Shannon, keeping one beady eye on the Agents, squeezed into the room to allow the others in after her. The greasy frying pan sitting in the sink deftly held her attention with it’s delicious aroma. “Humans eat food. Darcy and Bon Bon eat food. I like smell food.” She picked up the frying pan from the sink and gave it a good sniffing. “Urm.” The man; Caleb, began sheepishly. “Do you guys want anything?” “I could whip up a veggie burger?” Denise spoke through a mouthful of burger. “I no eat.” Shannon sat down in the kitchen area, taking up most of the space. “I no have stomach.” [@RokkuHoshi][@Fetzen]