[quote=@KRAZY J] Jake back on the otters pocket subject [color=red]"Ok what did they look like, how many of them were there, and would you know there names by any......."[/color] Jake noticed ShiZhen wasn't as near as concerned as he was and decided to explain. [color=red]" An 'otters pocket' is another word for 'girl parts' and a 'pocket otter' is another word for 'boy parts' that is why this is a big deal. number one that is rude, disrespectful, and straight out bullying and number two they were being rude, disrespectful, and bullying 'you' and nobody messes with my Shi."[/color] Jake grabbed ShiZhen in a bear hug. [color=red]"And on the sparing with the head master note that's for when I get better with my element and besides I probably wouldn't win but it's better to learn when your put in a situation where you have to learn in order to survive. It's like when I learned to swim, I just jumped in the creek, it was swim or drown and so I learned to swim pretty quick. Now...[/color] Jake noticed they were still soaked and he was still warm.[color=red]"Ok you have ten seconds to take all the electronics out of your pockets if there not already soaked 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...times up!"[/color] A huge smile ran across Jake's face as he picked ShiZhen up, ran over to the fountain, and dropped her in. Jake nodded to the other students that were there and then jumped in the fountain as well. [color=red]"CANNON BALL!!!"[/color] [/quote] [@Kalleth] [@Regitnui] [@liferusher] [@Raptra] [@Pseudo Stygian] [color=a187be]"Th-they sat behind me during the assembly. I didn't turn around to look at them..."[/color] ShiZhen replied, while in his hug. Though she was never one to break propriety and hug or let others hug her, with Jake it was different, he was practically a brother to her and besides, there was no stopping his spontaneity. On his statement about sparring, ShiZhen began protesting, "[color=a187be]"B-But there must be safer ways to..."[/color] but she was thrown off by his statement about electronics. [color=a187be]"I-I've already waterproofed all my...wait...ten seconds...? Eh? Eeeeeeeeehhhhh!?"[/color] She yelled as Jake picked her up and splashed them both into the fountain. Disoriented, confused, and having the time of her life, ShiZhen giggled and smiled. Jake always had a knack for taking her mind off of the worries that plagued her, that is, until she heard someone say: [quote=@Old Amsterdam] "Why does it always have to be so messy?" She blurted out. "Why can't everything just be in order?" [/quote] A cold washed over ShiZhen, pushing away the warm feelings. Turning to the girl with long, black hair, ShiZhen stammered an apology, [color=a187be]"I-I'm s-sorry!"[/color] Looking around she saw a bunch of people at the fountain, noticing that she had gotten many of them wet, including a boy with an expensive-looking camera. [color=a187be]"I-I'm really sorry! I-is everyone okay? Nothing broken?"[/color] With glasses askew and wet clothes clinging to her, ShiZhen stood up only trembling legs to give help to anyone who needed it or to take blame from anyone who wanted to give it. It didn't matter to her that it was technically Jake who caused the splash; first of all, she would never throw him under the bus like that, and secondly, the fact that she was present at a time when people were being inconvenienced made her default into guilt-mode. [hr] Catherine floated above the campus grounds when she suddenly heard a loud splash by the fountain. Moving closer, she saw a gaggle of students splashing or getting splashed. She also noticed Jordan nearby and decided to let him handle it while she observed, though she made no attempt to hide and was ready to jump in if he called her down. For the time being, watching these young people have their fun and awkward moments was nothing but pure amusement for her.