Oh, far too many to name... ...but I'll name a few. [h3]Common Courtesy[/h3] [indent]You are roll playing with real people, who are putting real time into a hobby they love. You might join an RP and decide it's not for you. AND... That's okay. I joined a magical girl RP on here that I very quickly realized wasn't for me. Instead of of going radio silent, I stuck around until I was done with the scene my character was involved in. Then I made my character leave the RP. If you bail on an RP, you're a dick. If you think a character sheet should be treated as a blood contract, you're also a dick. It is possible to leave an RP in a way that your fellow players and GM will still respect you.[/indent] [h3]Some Things Aren't Worth Venting Publicly, if at All[/h3] [indent]It's a known fact that OOC drama kills RPs. If you have a problem with a user, it might be a better idea to PM the person you're having a problem with than call them out in OOC where they are more likely to defend their image. If it's nothing you want to address them directly about, the GM is a good person to contact directly. But making a mess in OOC doesn't help anyone. Remember this rhyme: "Don't gotsey the OOC, PM the GM." And then there are those times when your problem with a user is nothing more than a pet peeve. Suck it up or leave.[/indent] [h3]Communicate[/h3] [indent]It's actually amazing how many users will tell you about their vacation, self-imposed-hiatus, or temp job AFTER they get back from it. It's understandable that there will be emergencies and you won't be able to communicate with your RP buddies. But if it's a foreseeable road block, there's nothing stopping you from dropping by the OOC, Discord, or PMing those necessary that you will be absent in advance.[/indent] [h3]The Function of Collabs[/h3] [indent]Some people believe that collabs are nothing more but time sinks that add nothing to an RP. Some people actually encourage people to not collab unless they have to. [hider=My Opinion?] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mXyupD1.gif[/img] Collabs are just another tool in a role players arsenal. When used correctly, a tool makes things easier. When the wrong tool is used, it can make things harder, or even impossible. Collabs are the only places where two authors get to share a post together, and have their characters live at the same time. It can also hold a single event together, so you don't have to worry about your fight scene getting split apart by other posters doing their thing, etc. When used correctly, the RP can actually move ahead faster in a collab. Though when misused, they cause RPs to slow down and even die. what's going on? A few things factor into a good collab. The following traits are all worth considering: -Number of people involved: The fewer the better. For every number over two things get more confusing, people forget who's turn it is, etc. -Timezones: If no one involved can be online at the same time, a collab can still be viable. Talk it out and see if maybe you can bang one out on the weekends if your timezones are too far apart during the week. -Availability: Remember that you have an obligation to post in the RP. You don't get to break that rule just because you're writing a collab. It likely isn't wise to collab with someone who doesn't have much time. You might be better off posting the collab in installments, or avoid collabing all together. So a collab has a much higher chance of being successful if it's two people in the same timezone with like schedules. Where you have problems is when you take on more people who aren't available at the same time. sadly, some people just aren't meant to collab together. If a collab is viable or not needs to be evaluated based on the circumstances. [/hider][/indent]