I didn't think I read if you preferred to play the female character or not I like several of these ideas! Personally if it's a MxF pairing I cope best being the female .-. But oddly I enjoy any MxM coupling as well. I loved the ideal of the disowned or escaped prince(ess) being taken in by a band of theives but I equally enjoy the idea of the live in Vet I don't know much about Egyption gods but I loooove Greek mythology. I had a hiatus from rping as well, isn't adulting great? It's been almost a year now since I had my daughter and I mmmmiiiiissssss it. The only thing is that I'm not sure if I'm any good at rping .-. Im like a born again virgin bro. So if we were to rp together I may need your help in the area of making sure that I'm helping further the storyline and not leaving it completely one sided.