[quote]Security checkpoints needn't be and should not be intrusive. I am not advocating airline levels of invasiveness, but rather points located in areas of high traffic, be it vehicles or people, and strategic benefit; highways, toll roads, choke points and the like. Something as simple as the checking of a driver's license and registration. It needn't be as elaborate as a national database that tracks scanned identification, although it should to better establish continuity.[/quote] What you are describing would be very intrusive. People do not want to be fucked around with by the police if they haven't done anything wrong, and checkpoints meaning doing exactly that. [quote]Tactics such as these are not subversion, intrusion or exploitation of basic rights; this is little different than a checkpoint developed to dissuade, detect or stop intoxicated drivers or those under another influence.[/quote] I actually do have an issue with drunk driving checkpoints, but since they usually do them on select days and only in the middle of the night, they get away with it. If cops were just fucking with you all the time, I'd become a different type of radical pretty quickly. [quote]Because of my bias to the right, I believe it is essential that it undergoes and evolution to combat, counter and dissaude leftist policies, of which have become - in my lifetime - more extreme. Once upon a time I considered the Democratic party, but I find myself with no moderates to even back or invest in.[/quote] Most democrats are milquetoast barely-liberals. Half of the voting population isn't Anti-Fa SJW's. You've been memed if you think they are all extremists. [quote]And no, let me state this clearly, because I find this ground dangerous and without room for error; I believe the far left has the inadvertent ability to accidentally, or even knowingly, allow a radical into their group who consctibes to their philosophy. This hypothetical person has the willingness, capacity and intent to utilize a firearm and or an explosive device for political movtive. In doing so, they kill American citizens.[/quote] Fringe radicals exist on both sides. That is the nature of the fringe. If would be ridiculous for me to associate the guy who shot up that black church as the essence of all Republicans. [quote] It is my worst fear that this attack will provoke those present to participate in a small scale engagement at that time. It may or may not be coordinated on a low-level. Furthermore, it will provide a basis for the right to demonize the left as a whole and will compromise the credibility of anyone who has those leanings.[/quote] Which you are doing right now. It's already the state of things that even milquetoast democrats get bunched up with active shooters and shit. The "This is why Trump won" folk argue that the left misread the situation when they lumped in all Trump voters with the Alt-Right. And that's fair. But isn't that the same thing you are doing now, with the shoe on the other foot? [quote]Libertarian are not anarchists. The court system and government would still exist.[/quote] Libertarianism is a spectrum disorder. Some are anarchists. The driving question within libertarianism is what is a commodity and what isn't. Actually, this is the driving question of modern economics, it's just that libertarianism tends to think that too many things have been decomodified. However, if you believe that everything except your own body is a commodity, than Anarcho-Capitalism is sorta the natural place for you to go. [quote]That including "breaking those oh so arbitrary private rights, like breaking and entering[/quote] This seems like a straw man. If someone breaks into your house, yeh, that's not arbitrary property rights. Arbitrary property rights would be shit like, say, protecting the intellectual copyright of dead people, or enforcing an investors right to a proportion of property they have never visited at the expense of the workers. [quote]Also obeying and respecting your boss is a stupid thing to disagree with. It's within your self interest to stay employed...where's the contradiction exactly? And it's in your bosses self interest, to keep those he finds easiest to work with and who is making him the most money.[/quote] This is the inherent problem with libertarianism though. People are not economic units, they are people. Your boss doesn't entirely act in his logical self interest. Neither will his customers. Neither will you. Your boss might do something that is irrational and makes the system you are describing despotic. For instance, Imagine a scenario where we nix sexual harassment laws. While Ron Paul blows a kazoo in the libertarian fortress of doom, some teenage girl somewhere gets fired because she wouldn't go the extra mile with her boss. To keep sexual harassment laws is to accept that we aren't rational actors all the time, and that state intervention is sometimes necessary. [quote]The alt right I'm almost convinced means absolutely nothing.[/quote] There are people who identify as Alt-Right. They exist. Like SJW's, they are an small minority, but they do exist. [quote]But they're at least fighting against something they believe in. Free Speech.[/quote] and an ethno-state free of minorities. [quote]Also, I know it's so popular to point out how white men are to blame for basically everything, but just looking at Trump analytics and the people that voted for him compared to different presidents. [/quote] Okay, nobody was debating this point. You are rambling, sir. Try to keep to, like, five sentence answers or something. Be concise so this debate doesn't get out of control pls. [quote]Frankly, I have no idea WHAT Trump's political stances are.[/quote] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srws_RcY1zA[/youtube] (pls nobody start arguing with the lyrics btw, I just posted this because the Lump parody comes to mind a lot) [quote]This statement almost got me to respond to it one night, but I decided to not post what I wrote. But I feel so much has been said on this, that just needs someone to point it out...(and I'm going to do it in a much shorter way than I did previously.) That is absolutely wrong and factually inaccurate. Millennials generation and younger people are predominately liberal. Or at least that's what they identify as. (As many people point out, millennials political opinions don't make any sense.) [/quote] First and formost Millenials are adults, so what we are about is irrelevant. Second, yeh, teenagers don't have complex political opinions. What I am saying is that fucking with feminists and saying racist shit isn't evidence that teenagers are all right-wingers now, it's just evidence they are teenagers.