*elsewhere in Existence, four beings, each with plague doctor-esque armor on, sit around a dark, purplish sphere in the middle of a dark room, the only lights from their armor, and the sphere* Raven: *stares into the purple sphere* Look at them.. waiting for the end. Not even preparing. They must embrace death... [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/54/b3/e7/54b3e7dd538b369ebaa3566877eb7c6d.jpg[/img] Crow: * lets out a dark chuckle* ha, who would've guessed. We've tried warning them... [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/443c/th/pre/f/2015/120/b/5/plague_knight___armored_cyberpunk_plague_doctor_by_twohornsunited-d8k7azs.png[/img] Falcon: let them die. They believe they can, handle it with this little preparation. Zero will obliterate them. We could barely hold our own. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/08/d9/dc/08d9dc6d9afca684b6bd1d29d649f9d9.jpg[/img] Vulture: Brothers and sisters, fret not whether they can handle the coming storm or not, this gives us more time to perfect our goals. [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/06f6/f/2015/119/4/0/the_eternal_plague___desertpunk_version_by_twohornsunited-d8rjhr7.png[/img] Falcon: how can we forge on with that mechanical abomination in our path? Vulture: Brother Falcon, all will be taken care off. Have faith in their group. That Shinji is more and more promising every time we watch him. This Wheel of Fate would suit our needs very nicely.. Falcon: ..fine, Sister Vulture. I shall be patient. Vulture: good, good. Sister Raven. How sure are you that we can recruit them to our efforts? Raven: I am confident, Sister Vulture. Vulture: this is good to hear, let us pray that you are succsessful... or we will all parish.... *they all bow their heads, as they begin to pray*