[@Vilageidiotx] There is no level of "getting fucked around with" by the police transacting in this example. Will there inevitably be those officers who purposefully antagonize civilian populace? Yes, but they already exist and no one is fond of them as. This sort of screening is not an attack on anyone to be viewed as being born of doing something wrong when they haven't. In reality, the purpose of a security checkpoint as I said, even if it is not taking account of every vehicle, is to give the perception to a [i]potential[/i] threat they might be caught before they can act and by additional quality, find a few persons of interest accidentally. I would like to know your issue with sobriety checkpoints, because even living in a location with one of the highest numbers of yearly intoxicated driving casualties, these have been less than a few minutes of my time consistently. And I will note I am none too fond of the potentially radical implication leveled against law enforcement officers, which I will address in light later. No, the Democratic party is not [i]all[/i] true leftists, but when your party was fielding a candidate, with any seriousness at all, such as Sanders, I would call that extreme. Not to mention that he [i]had[/i] as many supporters as he did tells me there [i]is[/i] a more focused environment than there had been. Furthermore, I believe the extremeness of the left at all, those being that of the Antifa/Social Justice Warrior/modern feminist/LBGTQ+/"democratic socialist" and other stereotypes, and with their being brought to the forefront, show clearly the evolution of that. No less, the amount of racket they make for their relative size and the sympathy they receive in return from their side suggests to me the left as a whole is more extreme; you do not see me showing much sympathy for those on the true Alt-Right who might hold beliefs that some races or faiths are inherently inferior or that taxation is theft and the central government is evil. Carrying on, those stereotypes are all targets of the Alt-Right and the "Alt-Right" who they both strike and lash out at, as minority as they are, but I also note that approximately .3% of the United States population, as example, is transgendered yet look at the level of catering received or allocated to it and the amount of attention it received. The left found a niche in this tiny percentage and as a relative whole, leveraged it into a national debate when it was and is a non-issue. The difference with these fringe radicals is that one group, the Far Left, has shown they are willing to do that or permit that sort of mindset in public. They are the ones burning down their colleges, breaking windows, attacking citizens to include committing assault with deadly weapons, using low-level explosives and smoke, and any other number of more violent criminal activity to help broadcast their message. No less, some of those fragments in the far left who advocate, and at least many more provide excuse for, the infamous rally cry of "Pigs in the blanket, fry them like bacon." Again, the Far Left demonstrates an intent to do harm, acting on opportunities to do harm, and the capability to do harm. And to reiterate, I am not saying [i]all[/i] of the Far Left do, but that they are not policing their own people or fighting against this within their own individual and overlapping communities is why I am confident in my assessment that they will do so unknowingly, or in worst cast, willingly. No, I am not "doing anything right now", putting the shoe on the other foot, or lumping people together, all of which you mean demonizing the left; I have never once said, "The entire left is corrupt because I think they all agree with someone in their group acting on political motives to harm and kill others." I simply and have repeatedly said I believe it is their general culture as a whole that holds greater possibility of advertently or inadvertently allowing the scenario to happen. If I had made such a statement, there would be plenty of valid arguments about the "gun-loving right" to use.