Jack had just left when Bri came hurrying up the stairs. "What's that?" Adrian asked, "Oh some of the bottles don't match the lables? Can I see them for a moment?" He took the bottles from Bri and examined the lables. "Ah that makes sense, these are two of my 'special blends'. I don't know how they got mixed up with the other bottles but thank you Bri for correcting my mistake." By 'special blend' Adrian meant wine spiced with blood. He enjoyed the taste of blood on its own but mixed with wine gave it a whole new wonderful flavor. He had tried it once out of curiousity and now blood spiced wine was the number one way he got his blood. "I'll just take these back to where they belong." he left and put the bottles in his special space for all the blood spiced wine and then returned to the lobby where Bri was still waiting. "Let's go finish packing the boxes so they are ready when the shipment people come to get them."