Just a quick character sketch to see if this is the sort of thing your looking for. [@HeySeuss] [hider=Silvern] [b]Silvern Roche [sub][i]A Shapeshifter Once in Service to Count Caradoc[/i][/sub][/b] [sub][b](technically a half-demon)[/b][/sub] [i]"...The old Count was always fair with me. I payed my taxes on time, and he never demanded more than a fair share. What? Oh, a bit of spying, some ...more sinister jobs, but the old Count was always willing to take on a few secrets to ease my debts... [indent][indent]Yes, mortal secrets.[/indent][/indent] No...no I have no idea what Caradoc did with the information I supplied, but it was a healthy arrangement. You see, I am an eater of lies. Lies mean secrets and Caradoc loved secrets, and I...yes, I thrive on lies. Half-truths and whole-untruths. Lies spoken in hushed tones to lovers always tasted the best. Until that stuffy mummy showed up and threw everything into chaos. Nowadays nobody has a spare moment to fib what with the war going on..."[/i] [/hider]