[h3][b]The Bean Sidhes[/b][/h3] Maeve leaned shakily against the coffin, muttering quietly to herself in irish. [color=ed1c24][i]That was close. Way, way to close.[/i][/color] She let the rest of her cracked bone armor fall to the ground, breathing in deeply as the bones fell to dust on the floor. [color=598527]"This damn coin better be worth it."[/color] She held it up, gleaming in the lights. [color=598527]"It will be."[/color] Kiara took the coin and put it in one of her pockets, right next to the one she got. She had quickly leapt to the side of her partner when it looked like she was going to be attacked by Randoul. Partner's stayed together, even if it looked like it was going to hurt. And it would have hurt a lot. Fortunately for the both of them, Angel had intervened before true damage could have been done. [color=598527]"So long as I keep it away from you and ensure that you don't use it to go on a drunken day long sex spree, that is." [/color]Maeve snorted. [color=ed1c24]"I'm offended. It'd be at least two days long, since I'd steal both of them."[/color] She leaned against the coffin, sighing. [color=ed1c24]"I forgot how comfortable this thing was. You think Angel would let me sleep on it again?"[/color] Kiara chuckled. [color=598527]"No, I don't believe he would. He was quite upset the last time you slept on it.[/color]" They both glanced up as the intercom called them away. [color=ed1c24]"Well, time to go to work. Hopefully with less getting in massive brawls this time."[/color] Maeve frowned, rolling her shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Where's the fun in that?"[/color] [i]A few minutes later[/i] Maeve and Kiara sat down on one side of the table, eyeing the people that they were supposed to be working with. Kiara sighed. [i][color=598527]Ante Mortem, icy suit boy, and the Experimental Team. We're going on a suicide mission aren't we?[/color] [color=ed1c24]It'll be fine![/color][/i] Maeve's voice broke in, her partner nonchalantly munching on a baloney and cheese sandwhich she had snagged when leaving the cafeteria. [i][color=ed1c24]If it was really a suicide mission, they would've given us less people. These are two many asylums t just throw away on a death mission.[/color] [color=598527]Maybe you're right.[/color] [color=ed1c24]I am.[/color] [color=598527]But it's still going to be a shit mission.[/color] [color=ed1c24]Oh yeah, no doubt.[/color][/i] Kiara looked up, glancing at the gathered people. [color=598527]"So!"[/color] She said brightly, attempting to break the silence. [color=598527]"Does anyone know why we're all gathered here, or have any inkling of what the mission is going to be?"[/color]