[@lovely complex][@Silent Observer][@Universorum] Apologies. I shall clarify. This is something that rarely affects her. She takes medicine everyday and hardly ever forgets because her parents always make sure to ask her if she had taken them that day. Only MAJOR things will cause her to go into a depressive state. What happens is say(hopefully this doesn't happen, just a hypothetical) someone in the class dies. While most would probably mourn right when they learn of what happened, Sadie will become depersonalized with her emotions. It's like she's there but not really fully comprehending anything. It will then hit her and she'll just break down. And usually if she just has a normal attack it only tends to happen at night and she is much closer to her medicine then and takes it much sooner. She has two sets of medicine. 1. The stuff she takes everyday that are suppose to keep everything bad down. 2. The stuff she ends up taking probably once every other three months because of built-up stress.