Here's my sheet. Finally! lol [hider=Rough Riders] [b]Name:[/b] The Rough Riders [b]Flag:[/b][img][/img] [b]Battle Flag and Motto:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Territory and Geography:[/b] The Rough Riders operate all across the southwestern United States and have been known to operate in the mid-west as well. Their main headquarters is the back country and rolling hills of the southwest, due to their reputation with the NCR they tend to keep themselves spread out and are highly mobile. Although it’s common knowledge that if they’re services are needed they can be found in any bar from California to Oklahoma. History: Founded in 2271 immediately following the signing of the Ranger Unification Treaty between the NCR and the Desert Rangers, by a deserted NCR Veteran Ranger Captain Lori Holden. Lori had served her entire adult life in the NCR and was a well renowned soldier who commanded a lot of respect from the Rangers she served with, but she was also very critical of the NCR. She didn’t like how poorly the NCR policed their land, to her there were too many raider attacks inside lands that were supposed to be protected. So when the treaty was signed that led to the Desert Rangers being disbanded. Lori felt like there was no correcting the course the NCR was taking. So she left, and when she did leave she took a lot of Desert Rangers, and NCR soldiers with her, as well as a few stolen NCR supplies and horses. From this point on they called themselves the Rough Riders their main focus was to police the NCR’s territory for them. Protecting settlements and caravans for a price, much to the disdain of the NCR government. Lori and her gang had wanted posters all around NCR territory for years. She was their most wanted criminal. She was wanted for theft, murder, desertion, forgery, nearly any crime they could pin on her they could and most of them stuck. It took years until the NCR could catch up to them in 2279, but when they did it was a bloodbath. A small group of Rough Riders led by Lori had just collected payment for a caravan protection job when they took fire from a group of NCR Rangers. Lori was instantly killed by multiple gunshot wounds but her comrades returned fire for 17 hours until the NCR Rangers called in reinforcements and finished of the Riders. Lori’s body was never recovered by her comrades as it was taken by the NCR as proof of her death, and as a blow to Rider morale. In the days following Lori’s death her daughter Lara took command of the Rough Riders and changed their whole demeanor towards the NCR. It was war from this point on, any NCR patrols that proved to be easy targets where ambushed and slaughtered. Supply bases were regulary raided all across NCR territory, but as soon as the NCR tried to field a response the attackers were gone and it could be months until they struck again. Although Lara didn’t lose her mother’s original vision. She still protected settlements both inside and out of NCR territory and would routinely dispatch riders to help anyone that requested their assistance. So while they fought a guerrilla war with the NCR they were winning over the hearts and minds of the people all across the wasteland. [b]Population:[/b] Roughly 6,000 standing professional soldiers but between the towns that the Rough Rider’s control and the ones that support them they can field a standing militia between 8,000 to 10,000 men and women. [b]Government/Domestic Politics:[/b] The Rough Rider’s themselves are structured very much like the military they left behind. Rider’s follow a rather relaxed command structure. Each soldier is trained to make the best of a bad situation and operate with or without a direct command structure. Although there is one put in place, and loyalty is everything in the Rough Riders. Loyalty to the people they protect comes first. Loyalty to their comrades is second, and loyalty to themselves comes third. Lara believes that if a soldier is loyal to themselves, their comrades, and their people they’ll tear down the gates of hell in defense of them. So far that’s proved to be accurate. [b]Notable People:[/b] [img][/img] Senior Rider Lara Holden is 26 years old and all though she’s young for her station can be quickly described by anyone who knows her as. [i]“One tenacious bitch!” [/i] She’s led the Rough Riders since her mother’s death and before that she rode by her mother’s side as her most trusted officer and was often the one to relay the concerns of the soldiers to her mother. So she was a natural fit as leader after her mother was killed. During her years with the Riders she’s garnered a reputation as a hellish force on the battlefield and a fiercely loyal commander. It’s safe to say that the men and women she commands would gladly follow her into any battle no matter what the odds are. [b]Military:[/b] While not the largest or most advanced military presence in the wasteland the Rough Rider’s pride themselves on their ruthless training. Regardless of the background of the recruit, whether they be a civilian or a 30 year veteran of the NCR Rangers they all receive the same nightmarish training. Recruits are trained in 30 to 50 man groups, they’ll serve with this group for the entirety of their career with the Riders although they’ll be much smaller by the end of the training. On average 10 to 20 recruits either die or wash out of a training batch. As brutal as the training is it’s always succeeded in creating some of the heartiest fighters in the wasteland, and they’ve continued to be an illusive thorn in the side of the NCR for a long time because of this training. As far as personal equipment is concerned most Riders wear stetson hats and spurs, a gift given along with their battle flag at the end of their training, besides that they’re equipment varies on their environment and task. Although bolt and lever action rifles are a preferred weapon of choice Riders are trained to operate any weapon system they can get their hands on as more often then not they’ll be operating far away from any support and will need to use what they can scavenge. Rough Riders do not utilize tanks, or many motor vehicles for that fact. They’re primary means of transportation instead are their horses and their feet. Though the Riders do field a few vertibirds and the extremely rare plane that they use for long distance operations and V.I.P transport. Generally its safe to say that if it’s equipment that the NCR uses the Rider’s have access to it because they’ve stolen, or looted it. [b]Economy:[/b] The Rough Riders are soldiers of fortune at their core so their main sources of income come from mercenary contracts. Although they do receive payment and food from the towns under their protection. They also supplement their income from the sales of the equipment they loot from the battlefield, or steal from the NCR. [b]Culture and Technology:[/b] Rough Rider’s have a strong esprit de corps among themselves and their units as a whole which are made up of men and women from every walk of life. Life inside the Rough Riders is hard. Riders very rarely stop for too long and are constantly mobile, only stopping to rest. A unit can expect under normal circumstances to be the only Rough Riders they see for weeks on end and its this isolation as well as their group training that creates an unwavering sense of loyalty among the soldiers that make up the Riders. While not the most technologically advanced the Rough Riders make use of what they have. Radio equipment is utilized to organize units and most riders have access to some sort of explosives that they can use to destroy entrenched positions or armored vehicles given enough grit and luck. [b]Religion:[/b] All religions are accepted in the Rough Riders but there is a strong focus on separation of religion and the unit. Individual soldiers are allowed to worship as they please as long as it doesn’t interfere with the mission. [/hider]