[hr] [center][h2][color=pink]E I R H A Y A S H I[/color][/h2] [sub]// Kosei Academy - Front Gate - Morning of Day 1 \\[/sub][/center] [hr] The situation was beginning to escalate, that much was certain. Dante had been fairly easy going and friendly when she approached Eir earlier, which had been a blessing; Hayashi was glad her first interaction at Kosei Academy, while a little awkward, was a net positive one. The colossal student had looked intimidating at first. It wasn't exactly proper to assume based on appearances, but just looking at Dante, Eir's first instinct told her the raven haired girl would be trouble. Their brief exchange of hellos and introductions would have Hayashi believing that presumption false- only, the exchange continued. Someone else Hayashi didn't know came up to them, demanding an apology from Dante for an earlier slight. Eir wasn't sure what to make of the boy. He seemed a little aggressive, but not overly so; he was obviously flustered by Dante bumping into him. [i][color=pink]'Dante said she already said she was sorry.'[/color][/i] Eir reasoned in her own mind. It was either a disingenuously apology or Iccho was looking for further retribution. It wasn't easy picking sides, though Hayashi wouldn't have even if it was easy; the better option was to get both parties to come to an agreement and deescalate the confrontation. That was easier said than done, given how Eir typically fumbled even the most basic social interaction. Stopping a fight was [i]not[/i] something Eir was good at. Hayashi's face fell as Dante straightened her stance and adamantly denied that she would apologize again. [color=pink][i]'Nooo. J-just say your sorry.'[/i][/color] Eir tried and failed to telepathically beam her thoughts to Dante, internally begging the girl to stop things from getting out of hand. Iccho Matsuo wasn't going to back down. Instead of letting bygones be bygones and going on his way, the abrasive boy doubled down on his efforts. He implied, in no uncertain terms, that Dante wasn't a real hero. It was the kind of comment that would no doubt get beneath her skin. Iccho targeted her character; something anyone looking to be a hero likely held in high esteem. Morality was paramount to anyone looking to join the profession...by will, of course. Eir was only there to avoid her father's wrath. Hayashi looked between both people. They were strong, opposing personalities looking to establish dominance over each other, like a pair of wolves vying for the spot of alpha. Letting them go at it would be disastrous; not just for Eir, who could be caught in the crossfire, but for both of them too. The staff would not look kindly on people fighting before they even started the very first day. Eir was rarely one to speak up in this scenario. She was a timid girl that would rather stand in the shadows and hope she wasn't drawn in than the type to throw herself between two quarreling parties. However, Hayashi knew [i]someone[/i] needed to do something. If their argument escalated into open conflict, it would be terrible for everyone! Eir turned to look at the crowds of people. All of them were there to become superheroes. If Hayashi could expect someone else to step up, it would be in a place like this. And yet no one cared. Maybe Eir overestimated the potential their talk had of becoming anything more than a petty exchange of harsh words. Or maybe nobody knew what was happening. Whatever the case, Hayashi decided to speak up. [color=pink]"Maybe we, um, shouldn't right now."[/color] She piped up, shuffling around to stand directly between Iccho and Dante. [color=pink]"This is all just a biiiiig misunderstanding, and I'm sure we can work things out without resorting to attacking people's character or getting physical."[/color] Eir silently prayed to any god that might be listening that things didn't go poorly. [color=pink]"Didn't Miss- excuse me. Didn't Dante already apologize? I'm sure you meant it, right? She was probably...j-just in a hurry! And I'm...positive Mister Matsuo meant no disrespect."[/color]