[@Holy Soldier][@Lmpkio][@Bright_Ops][@DracoLunaris][@Zarkun][@Guardian Angel Haruki][@WingsOfBronze][@RokkuHoshi][@Crosswire][@Nerevarine] Hey, all. I just want to let it be known that starting tomorrow, my internet access--and, by extension, activity--will probably start getting a little shakier. What this DOESN'T mean is that I'll be dropping from the game, especially not after everything we've gone through. Lol. Just don't expect the most expedient responses from me for the time being. In the case that curiosity pertaining to the specifics need be satisfied, I'll be off working for the next couple of months and visiting family, but I'll try for whatever free days I get to contribute to the games. If possible, I'll try to get responses out this weekend, but I can't guarantee anything. Either way, I'll still be around regardless. Just felt the need to put this forth in the interest of clarity.