[centre][h2][color=7ea7d8]Lauren Jones[/color][/h2] [@wolverbells][@HecateProxy][@SheriffLlama][/centre] Jade was out like a flash, light on her feet and always alert almost to the point of being jumpy. If Lauren didn't know better she'd have thought Jade was looking for danger, but she [i]did[/i] know better; her little friend merely wanted to protect people more than anything, especially if that entailed killing Titans. It was the same for Ra, they both had that burning anger nestled within them. She heard her name called and followed the two girls out, finding Mora picking up the collapsed boy. He was plainly exhausted, drenched in sweat with his chest heaving from his excessive exertions. Lauren stepped out of the way as the other two carried the boy into the cabin and out of the heat of the still blazing sun, although it was now cooling slightly as it completed its daily descent. [color=7ea7d8]"Just put him down on the bed. I'll grab some water."[/color] She sprinted across to the Mess Hall, heading straight to the kitchens and grabbing a skin of water before heading back to the cabin and placed it on the bed besides his head. When he inevitably began to glug the water down as any parched person would do, she snatched it from his hands with an admonishment. [color=7ea7d8]"Slowly. You won't do yourself any good to drink it quickly, no matter how much better it feels. Take small sips over time."[/color] She returned the skin to him and let him take another drink before speaking again. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm Lauren, or Cadet Medic, apparently. This is Jade and that's Mora. What's your name?"[/color]