[@Kiwiwiwi] [b]It'll let us get away with certain illegal activities[/b] William answered with a hint of bitterness in his voice, most privateers used their power and wealth to take other's power and wealth, Their isn't much difference between a pirate and a privateer. he chuckled softly at how the captain mentioned they weren't pirates, but then mentioned the Marque as their source of wealth. [@Kessir Tarkin] [b]I am sure as the sun Kaneda[/b] Will answered [b]Even though I am a bit new[/b] he added as he shook Kaneda's hand, then wondered why he was throwing food at D'ren who was flirting with a robot?, [i]this is going to be a strange journey indeed[/i] he thought. Will died a little inside when he saw the Brittanian Crest, he joined this job hoping to use it against Brittania, not for. But however William knew he didn't have very much choices, it was only a matter of time before the authorities found out where he was and he knew the punishment for thievery was public beheading, William liked his head on his body, not rolling around on the floor.