Ceria remained lost in thought for all of the group's journey out of the general's quarters. Only subconsciously did the elf recognize the transition from paved cobbles to muddy paths. Recognition and acknowledgement were two very different things, the latter of which Ceria did not have at the time. She did not even so much as look up from the road or bat an eyelash when she heard footsteps splashing through the muddied earth toward them. It was only when those footsteps came to a stop somewhere in front of them and when a woman's voice issued forth from that general direction asking for help that lifted Ceria's brow, and gaze, to behold the distressed woman heaving before her. It seemed as if in slow motion that, next to her, Arthera suddenly did something magical and the Goliath running full tilt toward the new woman's back nearly stumbled. Ceria stood frozen as the large being regained his balance and chucked a spear toward the woman in question. All of a sudden Ceria's mouth wouldn't work and her feet refused to budge. ALl she could do was watch helplessly as the spear sailed through the air....and sink harmlessly into the path at the woman's feet. It was only now that Ceria's eyes traced a line up the new girl's form, pausing with peculiar interest at the subtle tips at the ears indicating the presence of at least some elvish blood. Not to mention the green eyes that Ceria swore sparkled with some sort of almost merry glint. Ceria Verkorcoran made a split-second decision to take her bow off her back, nock an arrow, fire it at the feet of the big man, and then leap out of the way of the charging men as far for the side of the street as possible. Her intent was to let the majority of the horde of thugs pass her. [hider=Roly Poleys] Ceria's stats: HP: 22/22. AC: 14. Spells Remain / Total: Lvl 1: 2 / 3 Currently concentrating on: N/A New effects: Ceria shoots the ground at the goliath's feet, the arrow landing directly between its toes. She steps to the side as if to allow the enemies to pass. [/hider]