[@Vilageidiotx] You would be right that is not how people think, which I believe to be detrimental, and while it is on [i]that[/i] level of inconvenience that everyone would rather to just avoid, the sort where it is just another irritation in life perceived as irrelevant, there's few cheaper, more expedient options to implement as examples that are not only practical, but effective. The reduction in the rate of traffic is to be expected with it, but I find that a small price to pay. Areas of extremely high population density, such as New York and California would need to use their traffic data, as would they all, to help alleviate issues of that nature while meeting the objective. I am of the thought that the advancement of socialism, as with the New Deal, as a platform in the United States is inherently negative to the system as a whole. Sanders arguments by comparison to the general qualities of the Democratic party are much further left, throwback or not. I would say the same and more about anyone openly advocating communism in the United States, to add at that point they have become largely un-American. I can see the appeal of socialism, even to citizens of the United States, but it is still much further left leaning in the same vein that hysteria was made about how "Alt-Right" Donald Trump was and that the Nazi party and its ilk are running for presidency. The difference being, Sanders and others with socialist values are [i]actually[/i] strongly left leaning compared to the rest of their party and embraced for it while we have even seen here in this discussion that Trump and his administration is its own animal which is mainly Republican in label, with some overt leanings. To me, anything that varies too far from center enters the realm of potential for extremes. To use an example of my stance, communists and libertarians are far to the sides of their associations in my eyes. As I will maintain no less, I never accused anyone of being evil, just that I cannot sympathize with the right - which I belong to - on those grounds and others related. And yes, while you would be correct the "taxation is theft" crowd has existed for quite a long time, I am fairly confident that they are still a minority and not even a vocal one at that in comparison to some of their neighbors or those on the other end. [quote]If you want to argue about whether or not they are being treated unjustly, that's one thing, but saying "There isn't enough of them to care about." is fucked up. [/quote] A minority of people should not be explicitly catered to at the cost of the rest of the norm. I will repeat my opinion as preface, but I do not believe transgendered - or other - persons should be allowed to use the male or female restroom that does not match their biological sex unless they've transitioned completely to that gender. I do believe it should be requirement that there is a neutral bathroom, using the model some locations had of the "family restroom", which could be used by anyone. It is not the duty of those regularly gendered people to compromise themselves or morals for others; they can if they want to. You do not see me arguing that Autistic people are treated unfairly in the public eye, even being the butt of a joke here, and demanding they receive special accommodations such as non-fluorescent lighting or making the outrageous argument that wanting to treat it as an illness and cure it is a "Final Solution" type ordeal. These people in question are significantly more common, roughly 1 in 68, albeit still considered statistically abnormal. If you revert this back to my prior example and overlay the parallels, I believe my point to become clear - that the far left made a far larger deal about transgender, among other issues, than legitimately exists; they're all still people in the end. To change topics entirely, the fact that this behavior has been permitted [i]at all[/i] is proof enough to me that it is not taken seriously. I would say the same for the "Alt-Right" if people began flying Nazi flags, fighting with the police, setting fire to things and other improper behavior I described. Regardless of [i]who[/i] is doing it or [i]why[/i], it is uncalled for and allows a dangerous standard to set in. It does not matter how much is occurring either; it needs to be controlled and put to an end all the same. Either you protest peacefully and obey the rules, or your protest has become unlawful and needs to be disbanded. If you riot, you are to be treated as criminals. To address the other point, the difference with Dylan Roof is that he and his faction have remained largely out of sight and out of mind, with no one in disagreement about the hatefulness or cruelty of his actions. However, he's considered as much a lone wolf as Micah Xavier Johnson is, despite both being racially motivated, advocating violence and being involved in radical political movements; this is a clear double standard. Again, we do not see the Alt-Right marching in the streets promoting conflict or gaining the momentum to do so; for one reason or another, people believe [i]that[/i] to be wrong, but turn a blind eye to the backing of movements like the New Black Panther Party or Black Lives Matter. Both are wrong no matter what way one views it. As for the "Alt-Right guys who keep showing up to protests now", I imagine you are referring to the sorts as with the Based Stickman, Based Spartan and Based Kickman personalities, so correct me if I am wrong about who you are referring to. In truth, I have no issue with them given how abysmal the police response has been throughout and how it has been proven that the mayor of Berkeley has ties to the Far Left and had allow these incidents to occur by compromising his station with politics. I believe it to be a natural and needed reaction from Americans to restore order if law enforcement will not. At what point I find that to end, is when the police begin doing their job, albeit I still advocate the deployment of National Guard units to restore order and as a show of force regardless.