[center][h2][color=chocolate]Connor Bayer[/color][/h2]Interacting:[@Jinxer][@HecateProxy][@Wolverbells][@FrostedCaramel][/center][hr] As Connor's breathing began to relax, he laid on the bed and stared up at the ceilings. He could still feel the constant pump of adrenaline and blood in his legs. When the taller girl placed the waterskin beside him, he immediately grabbed it and began chugging, feeling the wonderful relief of the water running down his dry throat. When the girl snatched the bottle out of his hands and scolded him for drinking to much at one time, he laid his head back and just rest. The girl introduced herself as Lauren, aka the Cadet Medic. He chuckled a bit, then looked over at her. [color=Chocolate]"Name's Connor."[/color] As his breathing finally came to a steady pace, he slowly sat up. [color=chocolate]"Do yourself a favor - don't sprint a half-marathon."[/color] When the short guy he'd passed on the run stepped into the cabin, asking for water, Connor stood and painfully walked over to him, trying to slowly walk off the pain so that he didn't go stagnant and allow his muscles to cramp together. He handed him the waterskin after another swig and returned to sit on the edge of the bed he'd been brought to.[color=chocolate]"Y'know... You're- You're a fast little guy, that's for sure, man. And you're smart for pacing yourself. I tried to sprint the whole thing."[/color] He shed his brown leather jacket and dropped it on the floor, revealing the large sweat stain on his back. [color=chocolate]"I thought I could catch you, but I was pleasantly surprised. But hey, I was only about ten to fifteen minutes behind you."[/color] [color=chocolate]"Anyways, thanks for the help, ladies. I would've gladly laid in the dirt for the whole night if I'd had to."[/color]