"Five hundred pounds? We may have metabolisms that are hundreds of times faster than humans, but I don't think I could handle THAT much of Mr.Fang's infamous General Tso's." He placed the fried chicken breasts, mashed potatoes(a Lois Lane-Kent specialty) and green beans onto two plates before using a cautious stream of heat that ejected from his eyes in order to heat the food up. "Here. Dorm life isn't exactly the best when it comes to food and I'm fairly certain Mom would like to know that you're eating home cooked food instead of just making it." After retrieving utensils, he handed his cousin a plate before placing himself next to her. A bite of chicken later and Kara had revealed that not only had Bruce let her in on his suspicions of Lex, but also scared her. The Kryptonian chuckled, pointing at her with his fork as he spoke: "Don't let him frighten you. That gruff exterior hides one of the most compassionate and loyal people I know. Just takes some time AND life threatening situations to see that." After another bite of food, Clark addressed the question: "And I don't know. Bruce can be paranoid, but I can't think of a time when he's been wrong, especially when it comes to something this large in scope. I've gone up and down the city several times a night, every night for the past few months to see if Lex was plotting something and I haven't found anything on my end. Maybe he's just gotten really good at hiding whatever he's planning. Would make sense, considering that the public would demand the death penalty for him if he so much as jaywalked." Setting his food down on the coffee table a couple of feet in front of the couch, he added: "Not to say that you couldn't figure something was wrong. Cause, you know, you do the whole 'superhero' thing too." Clark could remember the first time they met, how raw her powers were, how uncontrolled and unrefined she was. Now Kara could hold her own against anyone, sometimes even better than he could. "Speaking of the 'superhero' thing, I wouldn't mind having a partner to fly around with tonight. Two sets of eyes on the city should help us see anything wrong." Clark then smirked. "Unless, Miss University student, you have homework to do. I can handle a routine patrol on my own if you need to write a paper for that one class you've been complaining about almost all semester. What was it again? Government? Gender studies? The complaints have grown to the point where I forget what you're actually grousing about in the first place." ________ "You are SO lucky I'm here already." Dick growled into the comm unit embedded in his ear, looking at the massive display that dominated this particular wall of the cave. On said monitor were a number of emails sent to and from the mayor of BludHaven that displayed communication with two well known crime bosses in the tri-state area. The dates, of course, corresponded to the days when Mayor Lavash suddenly managed to issue new campaign ads or make public appearances at country clubs far beyond a Mayor's paygrade. Dick had been working on this for several months and had finally managed to snag an encrypted harddrive from Lavash's office yesterday, deciding to drop by the cave to use Bruce's supercomputers in order to crack the encryption. This visit was SUPPOSED to be a quick entry and exit, but of course, the Man himself had to come calling with homework. "Let me just...ok, computer's ready to receive info and could you maybe, just maybe, explain why you're in Metropolis?" It took a few seconds for Dick to remember the news reports that had been circulating the past couple of weeks, which then prompted him to add: "Bruce, really, do you want to confront Talia about this now? Couldn't you just, I don't know, show up at the League of Shadows' lair and wait for her there instead of breaking into her fiancee's corporate headquarters? No, dumb question, you want to know now before something else bad happens, I get it." Nightwing blew out a sigh, looking up at the now blank monitor. "You could've asked me to come out there with you. Storming Lexcorp by yourself might not be the best idea you've ever had." Fully aware that Bruce was probably scowling, looking out into the distance with grim seriousness or both, he then confirmed: "Yes, the computer is set up to receive higher amounts of data than normal, don't worry."