[quote=@Rekaigan] So when is this happening? [/quote] honestly, i'm not sure. i was hoping the other day to pull through and write the ic, but certain events transpired and i ended up in the hospital for a day. i had a blood test, yada yada, got sent home with some pills. all good, right? well, turns out the reason i feel so ill is that my cells are doing something called hemolyzing, which basically means that my red blood cells are being destroyed. now, i already have a low red blood cell count due to my blood condition, so if it gets too low i'll go into crisis and require a blood transfusion (aka: not a good thing). my body needs to try and produce as much white blood cells as possible to fight off the bug and, thus, stop my cells from hemolyzing. this is making me absolutely fucking [i]exhausted[/i], and there's still a chance i could go into crisis regardless. i think the best thing to do is consider the rp temporarily on hiatus while i get shit sorted out. normally i'd suck it up and continue with my life, but the last time i went into crisis it was a really awful experience, and i don't want to go through it again just because of some online forum. don't see the rp as dead, though, because as soon as i get over this and get the energy and inspiration i need to be able to write again, i'll definitely get to work on starting this rp. [b]tldr;[/b] mommy im a sick infant please drown me in the river so that i dont have to live anymore (tldr quote courtesy of buddha)