[center][img]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l192/key_mima/b597e984-2072-4ad8-a5fd-b1811e67534e_zps7b1aa619.jpg?t=1394504874[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Natalie Davidson [b]Wonderland Persona:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Natalie stands at 5'7" with brown eyes and bottle (dyed) blond hair. Her once athletic body has become soft from all the liquor, junk food, and lethargy. She may be thin for now, but her poor diet may start catching up with her soon. [b]Personality:[/b] Natalie is a complete extrovert. She loves the party scene and enjoys being surrounded by loud noises and people. In fact, she, unless hung over, hates being alone. Unbeknownst to her, she has severe depression and huge abandonment issues laced with low self-esteem. Drinking and people distract her from her self-loathing and deep seeded anger. She has a devil-may-care attitude when it comes to responsibilities and a childish sense of entitlement. Outside of school activities, Natalie was never held accountable for her actions, messes, or mistakes. She pretty much does what she pleases, despite the opinions of other. In her mind, her actions aren't affecting anyone else, so it's no one else's business how she spends her time. [b]History:[/b] Natalie's parents were very successful in life, her mother a partner in a very reputable law firm and her father a CEO for a local hospital. They did their best to provide for their daughter in their absence. They tried to supply her with the finest education they could and give her every opportunity to succeed in life. At the age of ten, she was sent to a prestigious international boarding school in France and only came back for summer vacations. However, she rarely spent her vacations at home. More often than not, she would go traveling with friends, be it sightseeing in the tourist destinations of Mexico or shopping in the boutiques of Italy. However, her favorite trip was the one she took with their house keeper, Carlita (nicknamed Carla). Carla, when she first came to work for the Davidson family, spoke very little English. It was through this woman that Natalie learned to speak Spanish, and it was through Natalie that Carla learned to read and write in English. They had a very close bond when Natalie was little; the nannies came and went but Carla was always there. In France, Natalie did very well in school academically to please her parents, but she excelled in sports because that's what she was actually interested in. She was Captain of her volleyball team in junior high and she made the team in high school but only played for half the season due to a tear in her rotator cuff. Unable to regain full motion of her right shoulder, even after surgery, she quit volleyball and joined the cross country team the next year. She raced cross country until she graduated. Returning the US, she entered a university in California, only a few hours north of her parent's house. After 2 years, she dropped out back in with her parents; however, they weren't there any more often than they had been when she first left. For the next few years, Natalie's life consisted of little more than drinking, smoking (as of recently), and pool parties with the friends she made in college.