[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5VSEpsWm1GalpRLCwuMAAAAA,,/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/centre] Thanks for stopping on by, peeps! Ogo here, and I'll be your GM for this ride. I've been on the guild for a couple years now, and while I have served as Co-GM a few times, this will actually be my first solo project. That being said, I'm sure we'll all get along nicely. Obviously this is a Final Fantasy RP, so if you're not familiar with the franchise, you may be a little lost. That's fine, though, as prior knowledge is not required. Anything relevant to the RP can be found in this here OOC. And while I'm doing my best to keep this nice, updated, and relevant, I'm sure I may miss something here or there. So if you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to ask! Just throw it in the OOC thread if ya like, or if it's something you'd like to discuss privately, just shoot me a PM. There are no stupid questions. If you ARE familiar with the franchise, then enjoy this little love letter to the older installments in the series. While the plot itself is an original work (and ever changing thanks to you lot!), a number of themes and elements may draw heavy inspiration from the series. The actual start of the roleplay will begin in hours leading up to the assassination of the king, in the city of Thorne during the extravagant festival. [centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5VblZzWlhNLC4wAAAAAAA,/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/centre] I. [b][u]Follow standard roleplaying etiquette please.[/u][/b] So no godmoding, autohitting, and do not take control of another's character. Unless you've gotten permission from all other involved parties to do so then...I dunno. Knock yourself out? II. [b][u]Have fun.[/u][/b] It should go without saying, but we're all here because we love to write. There is no winning. There is no losing. There's not going to be some phat piece of loot waiting at the end. And you're not going to see some game over screen. So just enjoy the journey. III. [b][u]Have a little respect.[/u][/b] For each other. For yourselves. I'm not saying you've gotta be best friends, people, but try to remain civil. If an argument happens to break out, either drop it or take it to PMs. No need to air your dirty laundry in public. If a disagreement needs to be settled regarding in-character interactions, such as during fights or about the affects of spells and whatnot, I reserve the right to make the final decision in the case that a solution cannot be reached between the involved parties. IV. [b][u]Don't drag IC conflicts to OOC or vice versa.[/u][/b] A little bit of IC drama is great. Adds flavor to character relationships. I can dig it. What I can't dig is when a little bit of IC spice erupts into a full blown argument in OOC. We're roleplaying here! Don't take anything personally. V. [b][u]No one-liners, please.[/u][/b] Two+ detailed paragraphs per post if possible. This is just so that the others you're interacting with can have something with which to work. Reactions and actions make the wheel turn, ya'll. VI. [b][u]Post frequency.[/u][/b] People have lives. School, work, family, friends, so on and so forth. Try to post at least once a week. If something comes up and you can't, just let me know either via OOC or PM. VII. [b][u]Absence/Dropping.[/u][/b] Again, life happens. Sometimes you have to be away for a while, or perhaps you've lost interest and need a break/want to drop. That's fine! It happens to all of us. No hard feelings, whatsoever. All I ask is that you let me know prior so that I know whether to wait for you or to move on. PMs will work if you don't want to drop it in OOC. If after two weeks there's been no word, I'll proceed as if you've dropped. VIII. [b][u]Regarding Romance[/u][/b]: While this is not a romance focused thread, it may happen. That's perfectly fine, just keep things PG-13 in the thread proper. If things get steamy, either fade to black or take it to PMs. Please. Please. please. [sub]no goldshire.[/sub] IX. [b][u]Ask Questions![/u][/b] Don't assume and don't be embarrassed. If you've got a question, ask it. X. [b][u]Don't put pineapple on your pizza.[/u][/b] It's barbaric. [centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5VM1J2Y25rZ1UzbHViM0J6YVhNLC4wAAAAAAAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/centre] [u][b]Prologue[/b][/u] Our heroes gather in Thorne for the week-long festival celebrating the defeat of the Mage-King, unaware of the tragedy about to occur.