[hider=Princess Amelia of Thorne] [centre] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/3925/f/2016/218/7/b/97tgg_by_yagaminoue-dacuaun.jpg[/img] [h2][sub][color=#cb5382]"We shall never forget those we lost on this day. No, we shall fight on! Today, tomorrow, the next day - so long as we remember their names, we shall fight! "[/color][/sub][/h2][hr][/centre] [h2][sub][color=#cb5382][b][u]Vital Information[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h2] [color=#cb5382][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Amelia Thorne [color=#cb5382][b][u]Title:[/u][/b][/color] Queen-Regent of Thorne, Princess, Acting Knight-Commander of the Holy Paladin Order [color=#cb5382][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/color] Hume [color=#cb5382][b][u]Job:[/u][/b][/color] Paladin [color=#cb5382][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 24 [color=#cb5382][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] Female [color=#cb5382][b][u]Warrior of Light?:[/u][/b][/color] No [hr] [h2][sub][color=#cb5382][b][u]Appearance Information[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h2] [color=#cb5382][u][b]Physical Features:[/b][/u][/color] Roughly five-foot-eight, give or take an inch. Amelia has an athletic build worthy a knight, though she is a bit smaller than she'd like. Her skin is rather fair, splotched red on her cheeks and across her nose. A light smattering of freckles covers her face and upper torso. She has the bright blue eyes attributed to the majority of the Thorne royal family. Her golden, wavy hair tumbles down to just about the mid of her back. Should she expect to go into battle, however, Amelia will either braid it into a tight rope or pull it up as tight as she can. Much to her poor mother's dismay, Amelia does have a number of scars. One of which was a fairly deep cut starting from just under her lip on the left side and running down vertically to her chin. That one has since healed, but the off-color line remains. Another runs horizontal across her left check back towards her ear. And while she may have quite a few more, it's not as likely for people to see those. [color=#cb5382][u][b]Clothing/Armor/Weapons:[/b][/u][/color] Amelia isn't one for the formalities normally associated with her position. As such, her choice in clothing is a bit...casual. When not heading off to war or to some formal event, Amelia is content in just a pair of nondescript trousers and a roomy shirt. She's prefers lighter clothing that allows for movement. Her choice in armor is much the same. She prefers light armor that doesn't restrict her too much. Chain-mail is usually preferred over plate. Simplicity and function over style. The only nonessential Amelia dons is the white cape normally associated with the Holy Paladin Order. Her cape has been sliced and diced and, at some point, torn in two, but Amelia still insists on wearing it. It's a point of pride for the girl. As far as weaponry goes, Amelia more often then not chooses to don two swords, which is rather unconventional as far as paladin styles go. One of those swords is crafted of castle-forged style of the highest quality. It is the standard for paladins within the order. The white blade is easily recognizable for what it is. The other is the sword wielded by her grandfather, King Roderick I of Thorne while he was serving as a Warrior of Light. It is an older sword, seemingly of ancient Eldian craft. It doesn't seem enchanted or anything, so Amelia likely only carries it in particular as a way of honoring her grandfather. [hr] [h2][sub][color=#cb5382][b][u]Psychological Information[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h2] [color=#cb5382][u][b]Personality Traits:[/b][/u][/color] Passionate | Brave | Charismatic | Hot-headed | Impulsive [color=#cb5382][u][b]Likes:[/b][/u][/color] Birds | Roses | Fairy tales [color=#cb5382][u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u][/color] Heights | Losing | Public Speaking [hr] [h2][sub][color=#cb5382][b][u]Personal History[/u][/b][/color][/sub][/h2] [color=#cb5382][u][b]Hometown:[/b][/u][/color] Thorne City | Thorne [color=#cb5382][u][b]Current Residence:[/b][/u][/color] Thorne City | Thorne [color=#cb5382][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u][/color] Granddaughter of the King of Thorne, daughter of the younger Prince of the Thorne, and Knight-Captain of the Holy Paladin Order, Amelia was brought up on tales of valiant heroes defeating monsters and dastardly villains. She had always dreamed of being a hero herself, but her birth dictated that she would eventually end up married off to another noble family in order to secure some sort of political alliance. For the most part, she had accepted this inevitable truth and tried to make the most out of it. It was by order of her grandfather, the king, that the girl be allowed to take up arms as a squire in service of the Holy Paladin Order of Thorne when she grew old enough to hold a sword. She took to her opportunity like a woman aflame, madly and greedily trying to absorb all that she could from her superiors. And to her credit, the girl possessed some innate talent beyond what the knights had expected from a princess. When she was to eventually be knighted, it was as much due to her combat aptitude as her royal birth. She had sworn to protect the land of Thorne with her life. She quickly rose through the ranks of the Holy Order, eventually reaching the rank of Knight-Captain. This attracted scorn from some of her fellow knights who felt that she had an unfair advantage. Perhaps they were right. It didn't matter if they were or not, upon hearing that Amelia began questioning her entire purpose. Had she earned her place? Or had everything been just a way of satisfying the selfish whims of a noble? Thus Amelia became determined to prove herself. She took more and more difficult missions, tackling stronger and stronger monsters. And while her determination and ferocity eventually won the respect of her men, Amelia could never satisfy her own self-doubt. On the day of the Massacre of Thorne (and the assassination of the king), Amelia was participating in a tourney in town. Because of this, she wasn't present in the castle for when the Mage-King led his attack. She blames herself for not being there to stop the Massacre, despite the fact that she likely saved quite a few lives by assisting in fending off the monster attack on the city square and that she likely would have only perished like the others had she been there. Having been thrust into the role of Knight-Commander of the Paladin order (due to being the highest ranking knight of the Order left in Thorne after the Massacre), and acting regent of Thorne for her baby brother (as her grandfather, father, uncle, and cousins were slain by the Mage-King), Amelia begins to assemble champions to stand against the traitorous Mage-King, and support the newly-appointed Warriors of Light. [color=#cb5382][u][b]Other:[/b][/u][/color] Amelia is left-handed. [/hider]