People who constantly want to know everything that is going to happen and unfold in an RP. I understand sometimes needing clarification but when you are constantly poking the Gm about who dies, who lives, what happens, why so and so did that you aren't doing yourself or anyone else any favors. I mean seriously. What is the point of knowing everything? One it ruins the build up and excitement of the reveal. Two, how in the world are you going to keep from metagaming your ass off if you know everything. (I have yet to meet a single Rper in the long history of my RP career that can keep from metagaming 100% of the time. Why open yourself to that?) And three - things are usually not set in stone, what you do affects the RP - so what you may learn today might not mean a damn tomorrow in RP. It just irks the hell out of me. If I have to answer - No Spoilers - chances are I am really hoping LLA shoves a pineapple up your characters rear end at that point. Seriously, be like Elsa and let that shit go.