[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/ko9vKT2.png[/img] [sub][@VitoftheVoid][@shadowhope][/sub][hr][/center] "Yeah, suggesting that I fuck my family is a [i]really[/i] innocuous question," Yoko hissed at Dinah... unaware what innocuous even means. Going off of what she said, she can assume she was just defending this upstart. "In that case; I might as well make it an [i]open[/i] invitation for you to [i]fuck off,[/i] too." Fortunately, Yoko got just what she wanted when everyone left, and she quickly ate the food she was so desperate to eat. She was in heaven! Well, that was one upside to living here; the food was delicious. Part of Yoko wanted to get some more, but she didn't want to get fattened up by this food. Yoko just left the plates there... the Americans had janitors for that. Time to go get her room! Yoko ran over to the stands with the names, and whatnot on them. Her roommates (Because she was special enough to have [i]three[/i]) were... Huh? Kora Nørrevinter, and Tessa Sigrid Botrelle? Huh? Weird names. Probably more upstarts from Europe, but hey, long as they weren't like that jackass at the table, everything was going to be [i]peachy.[/i] She headed over towards the dorm rooms. Then, she heard a discussion from two girls about a missing third room mate. Well, given how there was literally no one else with three roommates, it had to be good ol' Yoko. One of the girls was [i]enormous,[/i] with red hair, and another was short and blonde-haired. Yup. European upstarts. Well, hopefully Yoko can make a better first impression on them, than those other idiots. She cleared her throat, and walked over to them. "Kora Nørrevinter, and Tessa Botrelle?" Yoko said, trying to get their attention. "I overheard your conversation, and I believe I am the third room mate, no?" Yoko bowed, before she introduced herself. "[i]Hatanaka Yoko,[/i]" She said, heavily accented. "At your service." [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][hr][/center] Well, Britney had to say the campus was amazing! It wasn't some cheap college, but one of the most well furnished places out there. With all the best families putting their progenitors in this school, there was no choice for it to be nothing less than excellent. She made it to her room, and unlocked it with the key, and seemed that her roommate was nowhere in sight. Ugh. The tardiness of some people. But, that gave Britney plenty of time to get accustomed to the room. It was a pretty basic setup... two fancy beds, one window in between them, with nightstands, desks, drawers. Everything Britney had at home. But no bathrooms... ... Yaaaaaaay. That was a pretty retarded design choice not to have a small closet with a toilet, but she assumed there was one big public bathroom, or something. Britney shrugged yet again. First thing's first, her luggage bag was here, and she quickly grabbed it, and filled her drawers with all of the best outfits money can buy! It didn't take long... since Britney didn't have too much time to empty her entire wardrobe back home. So, her outfits were pretty bare. She would have to be careful. Next course of action... open these damn windows and get some air in this musky ass room. Britney walked over to the widow, and tried to open it... sealed. Why? Oh wait, they were probably worried some morons would try something stupid. After all, they're so worried about having sex that they're willing to go to [i]random searches.[/i] They probably want to make sure that nobody can sneak out. All at the cost of the students who, you know, want some fresh air. Ugh. Well, Britney might as well go take a shower. She snuck out in the middle of the night, and didn't have the opportunity to take one. She went into her drawers, pulled out a different outfit, a scrub, towel, washcloth, and everything else she needed, and found her way into the showers. Britney didn't like the idea of a public shower, but she was going to make the best of it. She dropped her outfit, rested her clothes on the bench, and found herself a stall. Ahhhh... the hot water against her bare skin was so refreshing.