Sam had tumbled down the steps with the others, roughly pulling on his boots as he hopped down the stairs. Grabbing his sidearm from his side, and throwing a bundle of shoddy coats and jackets on the floor, he looked at the others. He'd never felt so relieved to be in the company of trained killers. Glancing around at the others as they spoke their piece, and nodded. [color=lightsalmon]"Ariah is right, being inconspicuous is the the thing to do- at least, I'm pretty sure thats what the other spies would say. The dock is only a short walk away though, so there are only so many routes we can take."[/color] Sam said as he pulled on a tough leather coat and pulled a cap over his head. Aside from his sidearm, he now looked the part of every other dock worker in the city. Hiding his sidearm within his coat, Sam nodded his head at the bundle of shoddy clothes. [color=lightsalmon]"Heavens Eyes' Enforcers are trigger happy, but they don't make a habit of gunning down random civilians in the street. With these, they'll at least stop you and tell you to identify yourselves before shooting at you- and if it comes to that, you lot look like you know your way around a fight." " Now come on."[/color] Sam said as he slowly opened the door and walked out. [hr] The trip to the docks took Sam but a few minutes, but he stopped before walking onto the wide planks. Enforcers were at the docks already, their jackets blood red against the orange lamplight of the docks. Sam wasn't much for stealth, and didn't imagine he'd be able to sneak past them to get to the ship- which despite being only a couple dozen yards away, felt like miles away. His hand gripped at the handle of his sidearm. All he needed was five minutes on the ship and he could get them out of there.