[hider=Revi Kylosh] [b][Appearance][/b] Revi’s a smallish, ethnically ambiguous (though he leans towards Caucasian) eight-year old boy, with a big mushroom of black hair. He is utterly unremarkable in every way. [hider=Revi] [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/deb6/th/pre/f/2008/218/5/c/portrait_of_a_young_wizard_by_kotofeika.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][Theme song][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0uJbi2BOGE]AFI: Miseria Cantare[/url] [b][Name][/b] Revi [b][Age][/b] 8 [b][Gender][/b] Male [b][Personality][/b] Revi doesn’t seem to care much about other people. He’s not antisocial and he doesn’t avoid talking to them. He just doesn’t have much use for them. He doesn’t care a lot for social dynamics. He might be playing with the other children one moment, but decide that he doesn’t want to anymore. He might be in the middle of helping somebody, but if he thinks of something else that he would rather be doing, he’ll just stop. He’ll be polite and friendly if he thinks it will get him what he wants, but he’s just as likely to resort to violence. It’s not that Revi has an active desire to do bad things or hurt people. He just demonstrates an extreme level of self-centredness and social apathy. Friendship is convenient until it isn’t. Loyalty is a way that he knows some people behave. Sometimes it’s useful to be loyal. More than anything, Revi just wants to learn and grow stronger. He wants to become so strong that he won’t have to worry about people hurting him or taking his things. Then he’ll probably be happy. [b][History][/b] Revi doesn’t remember much of his past, but he has the strong feeling that it was better than where he is now. Fritz found him a few years ago close to the gates of the city proper, dressed in a little black uniform and clutching a book. Revi doesn’t really try to get along with the other orphans or avoid them. He’s on decent terms with most, but doesn’t have any actual friends that he can think of. He thinks that Oralee’s wings are beautiful. If anybody damages them, he will probably hurt that person much worse. Sometimes hurting people is the only way to get them to do what you want. [b][Relations][/b] Fritz was a nice man. He protected Revi and made his life a lot easier. Oralee is beautiful. Revi doesn’t want anything bad to happen to her. Revi supposes that he had or has parents. [b][Level][/b] 1 [b][Skills][/b] Revi is completely literate, unlike most of the people around him. He’s quick thinking, quick-acting, and decisive. He’s small, nimble, and good at hiding. [b][Affinity][/b] Water [b][Gift][/b] Revi can control just about every aspect of liquids, though, since he’s young, his gift is a bit clumsy. He can control the polarity of water to make it move, to create adhesives, and to deliver mild electrical shocks. Given the right amount of Oxygen and Hydrogen, he should be able to create water seemingly out of thin air, though he can’t quite do this yet. However, he can definitely force existing water from one state to another (solid > liquid > gas) by soothing or exciting the movement of the molecules that comprise it. Also, by separating the component atoms, he can create bubbles of breathable oxygen and a lifting force underwater. Unfortunately, he can’t sustain this for long. Recently, he’s begun to understand that because people are about 80% water, his magic may be able to affect them in more direct and potentially serious ways. [b][Inventory][/b] Revi has a large book that he was found with. He has read it many times. Just what’s in it, nobody knows. Sometimes he will carry a stick with him, or capture a frog from the river. [b][Other][/b] Revi wants to be safe and happy. He doesn’t care how he goes about attaining that goal, though accruing as much power as possible seems to be the surest way. [/hider]