Somewhat frustrated and somewhat impatient, Julan was apt to give what he saw as an easy solution to the problems they were discussing. "I mean, even if you don't know their reasons for sure, you still know what you want. It might be that they're just scared to let you do anything after they thought they lost their son. Even if it isn't, won't have to be afraid to tell them how you feel. Father said that if they get really mad, he'll say that he told you to say whatever you end up saying, so they won't blame you. That will make it easier to talk to them, right?" Kaleeth briefly sighed and interrupted calmly. "We can do that, Julan, but we don't want to have to do it. We want Aurana to be able to speak confidently and know what she is talking about. Do you think you would be confident to speak to your parents if we agree to take the blame if it doesn't work, Aurana?" --- Meesei smiled at Pircalmo before taking another sip of tea. She leaned forward somewhat over the table, clasping the mug between both hands. "If I find someone to be a friend, I will name them as such whether they like it or not. I consider Lunise to be a friend because of what she has done for my people. Because of Lunise, all of the people I represent have some real opportunities going into the future. I apologize that I cannot speak in any real detail about our professional relationship, but as you said, Thalmor Justiciars are not a group that is generally known for their understanding. Lunise is special. Respectable in her dedication to her service to her people, honest in her dealings with me, and knowledgeable enough in magical and scholarly pursuits to be my peer. To have common interests. It is why I consider her to be a friend. As for why Lunise calls me a friend, well, I cannot speak for her." Meesei said, turning her head to Lunise. After a short time, Meesei showed a curious gaze towards Lunise as a thought crossed her mind. Once she had a chance, she decided to pose another question to her. "So Lunise, you have been alive for quite a long time, and you have family within the Psijic order. Did you ever see Artaeum yourself, back before they removed the Isle from Tamriel? I have always found myself curious about the Psijic order and what their home is like."