[center][img]http://www.snazzyspace.com/banner-creator/banners/1489953268.png[/img] AND [img]https://i.imgur.com/fWyAGfR.png[/img] in DOCKSIDE RAID. [/center] - With the mob war building a body count allready, there was more people on the docks then back a few months ago when Kaya was almost killed. She was of course, acutely aware of this fact. But this time, she had backup. And this time, gods willing, there was no crazy samurai styled hitmen to blind side her. They rolled up about 9 in the evening. There was a old highrise just two streets away, they had been staking the place out for two hours, tagging every element visible through high power scope and binoculars. [color=2e3192]“I go in by the west side. You take the south. The harder and faster we hit them the better. IT might start silent, but you bet we are gonna end up in some heavy shooting before this night is over”[/color] She said. [color=2e3192]“I am most worried about the metas. See the guy with the red tie, no gun, no visible weapons, yet he is clearly a sentry.”[/color] She pointed a young man standing by the entrance to the warehouse that were their target. [color=662d91]“And that woman.”[/color] The woman in question was talking to two of the yakuza thugs on the outer perimeter. She had a handgun, sure, but her shadow seemed to writhe regardless of the light. Nodding, November viewed the guards through his own scope. [color=MediumSlateBlue]”I can handle Metas. Done it before.”[/color] Sweeping over the compound, viewing the guards once more, he puts down the gun dispassionately. [color=MediumSlateBlue]”What’s the plan if we have to fall back? Where will we regroup?”[/color] [color=662d91]“Over the water. I… Liberated a boat. The key is in and I have an reliable getaway driver.”[/color] -- [i]Ground side. 23:00 [/i] She moved in a crouch, all grey and black. A moving shadow among those of the docks many containers. So far, she stayed outside the thugs patrol pattern, mindful of any deviation. Climbing up on of the smaller container she ran almost without a sound, knife out. She waited for one of the thugs to walk past her as she fell down behind him, sliding that knife deep into his throat at an angle, severing the airpipe. As he fell, she janked the knife back out and moved into an aisle between three stacks of the shipping containers, she clicked her earpiece. “In position” Simultaneously, November was creeping up on the south side, hypercautious, wary of anything. Silent, his all-black suit helping him blend with the shadow, Nick crept up alongside a container, approaching a guard from the side. Too late, the man caught sight of the ex-SEAL in his peripherals, and as he turned, too late to do anything, he got a gloved hand over his mouth, muffling his shouts. Flailing for a bit, the man tried to break Nicks’ hold, but he failed, and got a knife in his jugular notch for his troubles, suddenly unable to speak, except for bloody gurgling. Dropping the man on the ground, letting him scrabble around on the pavement, clutching the base of his throat, Nick kept his hand over the mans’ throat, making sure the sounds didn’t get too loud, or draw too much attention from elsewhere. Once the dead man ceased flailing, excepting the occasional dying twitch or so, Nick moved on, wiping his blade on the dead mans’ jeans, before re-sheathing it, quickly and professionally switching to his MP5 (complete with suppressor,) slung around his shoulder, holding it at the ready, scanning the area around him before moving to the edge of the container, peeking around the corner. Pressing his identical earpiece, Nick spoke, cool, professional voice coming through. [color=MediumSlateBlue]”In position as well.”[/color] [color=2e3192]“Alright. Proceed according to plan. Good luck”[/color] She said as November gave the all clear. She swept in, her footfalls barely audible yet urgent and quick. She came upon voiced to her right and crouched against the edge of staple of fishoil crates and peeked. Three men stood facing eachother in conversation. Speaking japanese, she could not make out what the were saying. She took a deep breath, sighted down the barrel of her gun and squeezed the trigger. Short burst of leden death impacted the one facing her, one hitting him in the cheek, one in the throat and two in the chest. AS the others hard to turn to face her, she put a series of bullets in their backs and sides, taking them down quickly and effeciently. She began to step forward, knowing she only had minutes at most before all hell break out. She was wrong. She only had seconds. The firey ball of death came roaring at her from ontop a stack of containers. The Meta guy before smiled at her as she let go a burst of hot led his way. But before the bullets reached him, he teleported in a gout of flames. [color=662d91]“SHIT!”[/color] November, however, was having a much easier time of it. Moving from shadow to shadow, quickly and quietly, he creeped up on a group, stalking them as they moved on patrol. The three guards didn’t notice him, over their loud, boisterous Japanese, and constant roughhousing, and he stalked ever closer, aiming his gun at the backs of their heads. Waiting for them to come to a stop, Nick took a deep breath, let out half of it, and stopped as well, behind a stack of pallets covered by a tarp. Now. Firing three times, one shot for each gang member, in the back of their heads, Nick killed them swiftly and quietly. It was true that suppressors didn’t silence the weapons, but they were far enough away from any other patrols, and close enough to the water that it didn’t matter. Falling quickly, the three criminals hit the concrete with a violent thump that probably broke the noses of the corpses, if not more. Moving on, Nick was about to continue, when, from the west side of the docks, a burst of flame erupted. Kaya. Moving swiftly to cover further in, November looked about, making sure there was no one around, and pressed the earpiece. [color=MediumSlateBlue]”We going loud now? Do you need any assistance?”[/color] [color=662d91]“I got it! I got it! Use the distraction, get further in!”[/color] Josie said as she let lose a small burst. The answer was a roaring beam of flame that melted the a soccerball sized hole in the container behind her. [color=662d91]“But yeah. We are going loud. The meta somehow made me. He is a pyrokinetic.”[/color] [color=MediumSlateBlue]”Acknowledged. Moving in.”[/color] Voice calm and collected, Nick took this all in stride. Creeping up to the next patrol in quickly, he fired upon the small group of men, who were turning their heads in the direction of the explosion, catching them in center mass, or their heads. Moving swiftly northward, November’s first clue something was wrong, was the lack of noise in his immediate area. He heard the distant gunfire, yes, but nothing to alert him to the location of a patrol in the immediate area. Turning around, and scanning the containers he just came from, he was surprised as the well-dressed Yakuza lady just [i]appeared[/i] out of thin air, aiming a handgun at him. “It seems we caught a couple of rats. You aren’t triads. Who are you?” The woman spoke, but didn’t monologue or anything. She fired the first round as soon as she started to speak. Ducking backwards, Nick hissed as he caught a round in the shoulder, and landed flat on his back, sweeping out with his leg in a kick. The woman, however, simply laughed, and stepped back, readying her gun to fire at him again, but Nick was already on his feet, running at her, trying to get inside her guard, keep her off-balance. However, as soon as he got close to her, she disappeared in a puff of smoke, reappearing in front of him a few feet ahead. Taking this new development in stride, Nick rolled to the right quickly as the woman fired again, bullet hitting the pavement, and ricocheting into a metal container with a sharp report. Standing up straight, Nick looked at the woman, carefully, judging her stance. She was cocky, yet capable. The sharp pain in his shoulder was a testament to that. However, she didn’t have the years of experience that Nick did. So, he did what she would expect. Try to get close, within her guard. Jerking forward, Nick made as if to run at her, and she reacted appropriately, teleporting away. Then, Nick did a 180-degree turn on his heel, and ran into the shadows of the dockyard. Meanwhile, Kaya was feeling the heat. Literally. [color=662d91]“Ahhhh fuuuuu-”[/color] She ran, a stream of fire hot enough to melt metal licking at her heels. “Ow ow ow” She rolled behind a cement barrier and ducked into safety. Checking her submachine gun, she found it was empty. “Mystical fire vs melt you into puddle fire it is.. Great.” Flipping the safety on her handgun, she headed deeper into the maze of containers. She could hear the man landing on to the ground to give chase. Togewa Ruji was feeling good about all of this. He was fantastically bored before all of this started. But he was pretty sure that woman was the one Hideo had cut up before. If he got the kill, it would move him further on the food chain. One glowing ball of fire circling his head for light, he moved in the darkness with the poise of a tiger. And then, Kaya shot at him. He recoiled back as Kaya fired off four rounds that melted mid air, but as he looked towards her, she was close. To close. The punch, sent him sprawling and he kicked up gouts of flame to keep her from following up again. But Kaya was gone. Kaya breathed heavily, leaning against the wall around a corner. Her left leg was slightly seared. She had meant to punt the man after the punch, but his damn flames seemed to almost reach faster then he did. Like a very burny, firey point defense system. Nick could hear her. Every time she teleported around, she made a little [i]pop[/i] sound. However, her weird shadow powers didn’t seem to help her find where he was, because November was lying on top of a container, watching the Yakuza member leap from shadow to shadow, looking for him, and getting increasingly frustrated. “Where. Are. You.” The lady snarled, her eyes darting around to try and find November. Shijo Haruka was an assassin, one of some tenure and success. But usually, she killed whoever she got the drop on. This was unprecedented. November, however, answered with a hail of bullets, firing his MP5 at the metahuman, taking her by surprise. However, as the first bullet hit her in the back, she teleported away, with a shriek as well as the small [i]pop[/i] sound. Rolling to the side, off the container, November landed in a crouch, gun at the ready. Meanwhile, Kaya moved towards November's position, slow and steady. Not making much noise. Not yet. The same time as she heard the MP5 fire, she tossed a grenade the way of her pursuer who had turned to look in the direction of the sound. His fire power reacted as she had thought, but the grenade was uncooked, and the fire was enough to set it off anyways. Melted shrapnel his the man who roared in pain as even melted, iron pellets hurt. The woman was agitated now, if she wasn’t before, and was teleporting all over the dockyard, rapidly, with a bloodcurdling scream that slightly unnerved Nick. He had heard horses make a sound like that, but never a human. Yikes. Moving forward, November was wary, looking for any sign of the woman. [i]Pop.[/i]