Lucas looked up when a man addressed him. This was the same man he'd seen in the picture online. He vaguely remembered the face. Lucas nodded and got up, following him to a table. He sat himself down silently as David mentioned having another friend there to meet. Lucas's eyes followed his to the man, accompanied by the woman who had approached him earlier. The scarfed young man hid his hands on his lap under the table. He hadn't been prepared to deal with other people. Honestly, he hadn't been prepared for this at [i]all[/i]. He went back to eyeing David with his dark stare. Was this man possessed? He certainly didn't act like it... But at the same time, he gave off a weird vibe. It was same unsettled feeling Lucas got right before every exorcism. He was almost certain that there was a demon near, and it could very well be inside of this man. Lucas had never heard of a demon going dormant before, but he supposed anything was possible. When this was over, he needed to get in touch with Seymour and see what he thought. If Lucas's suspicion was correct, and David was still possessed, then Lucas wasn't sure if he was going to able to remove the demon on his own. He remembered very clearly the feeling of fighting that demon, how close he had come to losing to it. Lucas had never been possessed, despite having dragged countless demons into his own body. He didn't know what would happen if he was, and he really didn't want to find out.