[center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/7cd8/f/2016/179/1/5/kano_hargor_by_zelosse-da7xiiu.png[/img][/center] [center][color=004b80][h1][b]Kano Hargor[/b][/h1][/color][/center] Current location: Ground Zero, Fountain. The end result had been less jovial than previously envisioned. Though it had sparked to life in a few of the students an opportunity to release their emotions in a display of elemental force. Even if they did not understand why. So it was that when Dias pittiable whimper and show of force froze everything within her proximity to ice, Kano was already strolling forward at a jovial pace to her. As he strolled by the fountain he hooked a finger at it and flicked his wrist, the waters spewing out the usually dirty teacher Jordan Manilow, now down to his underwear apparently. Kano chose to ignore this fact, his focus unrelentingly drawn to the ice. The girl sobbed quietly, emotions a jumble and likely overwhelmed by the days events. A boy with a camera nearby had also turnee on the waterworks and had been caught in the ice. Poor boy was soft, stuck, and cold. An idle wave of his hand shattered the ice around Dia and held it aloft, a slow moving series of ice shards lazily orbiting her. The ice on the boy was different. Instead of shattering, it simply melted. As quickly as it had formed into ice before, now it had turned to warm water. "Why?" The Headmaster echoed a moment later, his hands idly picking out the largest and well formed chunks of ice floating about the girl. "For this. To see how the untrained react to the unexpected and overwhelming moments." Kano gave another slight wave of his hand, all the ice around and on Dia turned to water and flowed back to the caller. It only took a few seconds for every last drop of moisture that had been dampening her clothing to have collected in his outstretched hand, leaving her completely dry. The orb of water was idly tossed behind Kano, back into the fountain with a tiny splash. "You've been brought here to learn of your ability and control it. The first step is using it. Your emotiona tie into your power, the result is often situations where you are overwhelmed by them. Fear, anger, even doubting your own appearance can effect your control. To this I believe that without being pushed, being confronted with challenges large or small, a student cannot overcome their own hearts and begin to control the elements. You must hold the reigns, Dia. Even when you are to upset to think, your element must be controlled. Otherwise you risk injury to yourself and others you may come to regret. Long winded speech done, Kano offered his hand out for the girl to take. "Will you rise above your doubts and learn?"