Cass was perched on the rooftop of a desolate, abandoned building nestled in the lower levels of New Newyork's slums. She was hot on the trail of her new quarry. She needed the work. Not so much for the money. Not that she would pass over fifteen million. One would be crazy to and Cass wasn't crazy. Well, not the refuse-fifteen-million-crazy anyway. But she needed the distraction. She'd had a bounty hunting crew with a couple of her splice buddies, but one after the other they all got mated and eventually left the business to settle down with their mates. She bore them no ill will. After all it was what she eventually wanted for herself. To find a mate. Maybe not settle down per se, but still... to find that connection with someone and hunt bounties together and live happily ever after. Cass chuckled wistfully and shook her head to clear out the last lingering romantic notion. She switched gears quickly and lifted her head to sniff the air. Just to make sure she hadn't lost the trail. She hadn't. The scent wasn't fresh. A couple of hours old, but she could follow the quarry non the less. Due to her splice genetics she could discern scents and smells that were a couple of hours old at least. Cassidy extended her 5'7 frame gracefully and without so much as a twitch of a muscle flew into a full sprint so fast an ordinary human would need a slow-mo cam to detect her movement. She dashed across the rooftops, jumping over the gaps between the buildings with apparent ease. Thoughts of her ex crew already stuffed neatly in a box somewhere in her subconscious. Slowly, but surely Cassidy receded and the huntress surfaced. She had a job to do and a damned good reason to do it. She needed to get off Earth. She needed a change. And it looked like this Shaw fellow was going to be her ticket out. But Cass was a cautious hunter. For one man to have such large bounty on his had, he would have to be dangerous. And right now she was a one woman show. She needed to be careful and not underestimate her quarry. She would pursue him and wait for the opportune moment to strike. She could tell by the scents and smells she was detecting he was being pursued by some sort of reptilian or reptiloid creature. She could smell raw power and strength. Maybe even on par with her own. But she also had cunning. She was getting closer now. She could hear the commotion caused by the chase. Her enhanced hearing picking up scattered bits of conversation. Insults being thrown about. Shouts. She readied!