[centre][h2][color=7ea7d8]Lauren Jones[/color][/h2] [@wolverbells][@HecateProxy][@Ambra][/centre] With some reluctance, Lauren let the two chastised boys be led out of the cabin. She desperately wanted to protest, to go and speak to the Instructor about how they had been invited in, but she sensed that it would help nobody. It was still the first day and they were being shown how disciplined they had to become if they were to be turned into proper soldiers. She may have gotten away with helping Mora before but these boys were hardly injured, just exhausted from what had probably been intended as a punishment; trying to take the edge of said action would take away from its original purpose and the Instructor would just double their sentences as an example. Thus, she watched resentfully as they were led out. It was unfair to blame the boy who had been sent to take them, the one who had helped Jade, but there was something in his demeanour that suggested he agreed with what was happening and that concerned a little. She'd be keeping an eye on him but for different reasons to before. With a sigh, she put the water skin down and sat on a bed. Maybe she was being unfair and judging people too soon, it was only the first day and it would natural for everyone to be on edge, even without the Instructor publicly abusing every single cadet and destroying any sense of self-confidence they had. Just as the door closed it then swung wide open again, a small girl entering with some exuberance. Pausing for the briefest of seconds as she realised the cabin was already open, the girl glanced between the three of them before her eyes lit up in recognition at Jade. She chirped away, Lauren stiffening at the mention of Shiganshina and the inevitable effect it would have on Jade and Mora, let alone herself. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm Lauren, this is Mora. Her throat's still hurting from earlier so she might not talk much for now... we're all from Shiganshina."[/color] She was hoping that would bring an end to things but, just in case, she decided to hurry things along so that no one would dwell on unwanted memories. [color=7ea7d8]"We should head to the Mess Hall though. We could all do with something to drink and some food after today."[/color] She helped Mora up and half guided, half pushed her and Jade out of the cabin. [color=7ea7d8]"Come with us if you like, it'd be good to get to know our cabin mates better."[/color] She said as she passed Olivia with a grin. The Mess Hall was still fairly empty for the most part, not many more people having come since Lauren first fetched water from the kitchen. They had their pick of the tables with very few occupied. Conscious of Mora's inabiltiy to speak very loudly, Lauren pointed to the rear of the room where it would be a little quieter. It'd also allow her to see the entire room from one place, a paranoid preference she'd picked up, from where she knew not, in the last two years. [color=7ea7d8]"Let's go over there, I reckon we can talk without having to shout over there."[/color]