[center][h3]Moonstone/Pearl[/h3][/center] Before Pearl even boarded her ship, she had done her best to research Earth as best as she could, just as she researched Moonstones before she made herself a Moonstone. Unfortunately, the information she pulled up was the same as what everyone on the ship already knew. Thankfully nobody on the ship suspected that she was a Pearl...except for a certain Larimar. She kind of avoided him for the entirety of this trip. She was able to keep the illusion and shapeshifting up. It wasn't that hard. She stood at attention as the ship approached Earth. Unfortunately, things started to go wrong and the ship was starting to make a crash course towards Earth. Pearl, or rather Moonstone, was also there to protect the scientist gems. She called out to the other gems after Chromite gave the order to Duck and Cover, "Hit the Deck AND Duck and Cover! Hurry!" Pearl immediately had her buckler out and over her head. As soon as Chromite summoned her shield (which was larger than the buckler) Pearl immediately headed for under the shield, while grabbing and towing two of the smaller scientist gems with her to underneath it. After that, she raised her own buckler shield again in order to help protect them from any spot that Chromite's shield might not have been able to cover.