Kora was getting ready to move the things over to the room, when Tessa and her were approached by a girl whom she quickly understood to be the third roommate. Japanese, she was going to guess, though she didn't regard herself by any means and expert. Even within Europe she hadn't been all that many places. Regardless that was no reason not to be nice, right? [color=ed1c24]"Pleased to meet you. Kora Mari Norrevinter, Jarlinna of Vollr, well, effectively.[/color]" she responded. [color=ed1c24]"Me and Tessa aren't really related but...my aunt is her godmother because she helped her mom give birth during a firefight. That's pretty metal."[/color] Kora had to admit she was a little bit envious over not having been born during an actual battle, but you couldn't have everything. She indicated the skull. [color=ed1c24] "And this is Bjorn Bjornson, my cave bear skull. He's probably a gift from the vanir, but more than anything he looks pretty badass."[/color] Bones, furs, statuettes of ancient gods were all very much integral parts of the Norrevinter aesthetic. Other people's past was very much their present, and they'd fiercely kept hold of the old traditions. Kora was no different, and was already more concerned with where her altar might go than most other things. [color=ed1c24]"Come on, let's move. Still got to check this in with the professors.[/color]" she indicated the scabbard on her back. She wasn't sure why she needed to, as such a thing was fairly hard to miss, but she didn't like the idea of potentially losing it completely. What was a warrior without their sword?